
Friday, April 20, 2007

SCV Image Building Campaign Showing Results

Elm Springs, TN, April 20, 2007

"With more to come, Confederate History and Heritage Month has already passed the fondest expectations of the 20 member PR and Media Relations committee" according to J. A. Davis, Chairman.

Here is an interim report:

A pilot program was established to develop a new image in an area recognized to be bereft of favorable media exposure and a lack of confidence in improvement by SCV camps in the area. To the contrary, there was either no SCV coverage, or negative propaganda fed the media by special interests.

The PR Committee met with several camps in the area and developed a pilot program called "Positive Public Relations Through Community Involvement".

Immediately, the leaders of the camps involved recognized it would require more work and a change in attitude toward working with community organizations and the media. Special emphasis was placed on accenting the positive programs of the SCV while refusing to be drug into negative news or propaganda that does not affect the SCV as an organization.

The results have been far greater than anything we hoped for.

Before outlining the highlights let me point out that SCV camps throughout our international organization have made significant breakthroughs in many areas with a variety of worthy community projects that are doing equally as well, if not better. We want to hear about them and pass along the successes achieved to all.

Here are some results in the North Georgia pilot program all taking place and centered on Confederate History and Heritage Month.

Calvin Johnson and his committee developed more resolutions than any time in our history. When properly approached the least likely council and commission members either introduced or voted in favor of the proclamations. This has held true throughout the nation and makes the point it can be done with organization and determination. In almost every case there were newspaper articles, pictures and radio coverage, an integral part of the purpose of the resolutions that has been often overlooked in the past.

The Gainesville Camp 1404, 27th Georgia Regiment, Co. D, Colquitt's Brigade, started the coordinated effort on the eve of CH&H month, March 31st. By involving the Alta Vista Cemetery and Gainesville State College, which provided the speaker, Dr. Douglas Young, professor of history, Coverage by the press and radio was assured. More importantly, the partners helped access advance promotion of a unique event, resulting in a larger than expected crowd at Alta Vista Cemetery where a monument dedication for four members of the Gaines family, three brothers and an uncle took place.

The almost previously absent Gainesville Times provided a large feature story with several photos. Radio station WDUN conducted several interviews. Access North Georgia ran a feature story and photo.

The center piece event was sponsored by a 28 member camp, Cleveland, 1418, on April 14th. It was a huge undertaking which would not have been possible without the cooperation and support of nearby camps in Dahlonega, Cumming, Habersham County and Gainesville.

In association with the White County Board of Commissioners, The Cleveland City Council, The White County Chamber of Commerce and the White County Historical Commission, the Cleveland Camp was placed in charge of the opening day of the year long celebration of the 150th anniversary of White County.

The ambitious all day program was widely covered by all of the media in the area. The White County Times, where just two years ago it would have been difficult to buy an ad, devoted a front page article and an entire page of subsidiary stories and photos. Access North Georgia carried a story and photos, radio stations throughout the area, Cleveland and Gainesville devoted hundreds of minutes to the fifteen varied events which included a Children's Story Hour featuring Uncle Remus, a Rebel Yell Contest with about two dozen contestants, more than an hour of period dances in the gorgeous costumes of the period by the 1860's Civilian Society of Georgia, a keynote program that featured the dignitaries of all of the jurisdictions involved and speaker, HK Edgerton followed by a sneak attack on a large Confederate Camp by Sherman's raiders and the ensuing battle which lasted almost a hour.

One of the highlights of the day was the Little Miss Heritage Pageant which attracted about three dozen contestants beginning at age two. This was followed by an all Dixie concert by the choral group, the Peach Tones.

Though thunderstorms threatened all day, more than 500 people came and went during the course of the day.

The plan called for a spread of events throughout the month, with saturation type public participation and media coverage. The final event is yet to come. On April 29th, the various SCV camps and heritage groups will join the Longstreet Chapter of the UDC in their Confederate Memorial Day program at Redwine Church in Hall County, where the 27th Georgia Regiment was formed and where many of its members lay at rest.

There are two points to be made here. Better PR and media relations can be developed with more involvement with community organizations who help leverage better access. Secondly, once you get started and do it well, you're almost assured of a continuing relationship in future years.

The bottom line is that during the month thousands of newspaper inches and photos were complimented by thousands of minutes of radio time, all favorable without one known negative.

Sons of Confederate Veterans
Public Relations & Media Relations Committee
770 297-4788

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