
Friday, February 01, 2008


"In 2006, I agreed to run for governor upon the constitutionalist platform of States' Rights. Our campaign theme was "Not Atlanta... Not Washington... But GEORGIA FIRST!"

"With only ninety days to campaign and no campaign war-chest, we received approximately 50,000 votes in the Republican primary against a sitting governor. We faced our greatest opposition, not from the liberal media, but from the neo-conservatives in control of the Georgia Republican Party. Our campaign, though, was enthusiastically embraced by Georgians everywhere that we spoke or were interviewed; and that support cut across the traditional lines of party, class, and ethnicity... much to the disappointment of the downtown Atlanta establishment. Our campaign demonstrated that the people of Georgia DO still celebrate the principles of liberty of our forefathers and relish the opportunity to cast a vote for such men today.

"Congressman Ron Paul today faces the same challenge that we faced two years ago here in Georgia... both a media blackout AND a Republican establishment blackout. And he faces this challenge for the same reason that liberty-loving men everywhere face them. Let me say it plainly, 'Ron Paul is right today, because the Founding Fathers were right in 1776!'

"From the field of remaining contenders in the presidential race, there is not one other candidate who is an American, rather than an internationalist... but Ron Paul. There is not one other candidate who believes in a return to the Constitution and the principle of States' Rights... but Ron Paul. And there is not one other candidate who will say "America First!" ...but Ron Paul.

"For those who still frequently participate in federal elections, you have no better choice for president in 2008 than Ron Paul of Texas, an American, and a fellow Southerner by choice. For those who have ceased participating in federal elections because of the moral and constitutional illegitimacy of the federal leviathan, let me hasten to add that every vote cast for Ron Paul... in fact, the very existence of the Ron Paul Campaign -- is a victory for the restoration of liberty in America!

"It is my sincere pleasure to endorse Ron Paul of Texas in the upcoming GOP Presidential Primary; and I encourage all liberty-loving Georgians to join me in voting for Ron Paul on Tuesday 5 February 2008." -- Ray McBerry, Georgia First

Ray McBerry and Georgia First may be contacted via telephone at 706.374.2643 or online at

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