
Monday, September 14, 2009

SCV Under Attack

The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) has come under attack from certain media outlets like MSNBC and The New York Times in their attempt to criticize a South Carolina Congressman who heckled the president during a Joint Session of Congress last week

Some of these attacks have sought to label the SCV as hateful and bigoted. These allegations are untrue, unfounded and unfair, and the SCV calls on these pundits to retract these ill-informed attacks.

The SCV is a strictly historical and educational organization, and neither embraces nor espouses acts or ideologies of racial and religious bigotry. Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces, regardless of race, colour or creed.

Our country was robbed of the talents of over 650,000 Americans in the War Between the States. In the South, no family was spared by the cruel hand of devastation and their suffering should not be forgotten or belittled. General Robert E. Lee once wrote, ��the contest must be long and severe, and the whole country must go through much suffering. It is necessary that we must be humbled and taught to be less boastful, less selfish and more devoted to right and justice to all the world.

This charitable sentiment should be shared by all Americans, even those who thrive on controversy and disagreement. Allow every voice to be heard, as only then might we learn to live together in respect.

For more information about the Sons of Confederate Veterans, its members, and activities please visit:

Michael Givens
Lt. Commander-in-Chief
Sons of Confederate Veterans

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