It never ends, it never stops. The present culture war within the United States flared up again just last week when liberals attacked Virginia Governor McConnell for issuing a proclamation making April Confederate History month. CNN, AOL, and countless other media outlets once again flew the image of the Confederate Battleflag on television and computer screens once again attacking Southern heritage and history, though there criticisms didn't seem quite as sharp as in previous times.
The Texas Division, and the Army of the Trans Mississippi, Sons of Confederate Veterans anticipated this rise publicity and continued twisiting of history by organizing THE ROAD TO SECESSION Sesquicentennial event. This event is intended to summarize the events, personalities and issues of the ante bellum period which led to secession. The event has been organized around the question: "Why did the good and Christian people of the South choose secession?"
THE ROAD TO SECESSION is comprised of both symposium where participants will offer 15 page papers on why their respeoctive states voted out of the Union! These papers will be collated and organized into a Symposium Proceedings and published. THE ROAD TO SECESSION Committee isactively seeking participants. Dr. Clyde Wilson of South Carolina, the Kennedy Brothers (of The South War Right fame), and Dr. Frazier of the Grady McWhinney Foundation have all agreed to attend.
In addtion, a Living History will be conducted at THE ROAD TO SECESSION event. The Committee reports that Gary Bray of the DFW area is organizing a re-enactment of the Harper's Ferry Raid and needs participants. In addition, the Committee hopes to field 40 re-enactor impersonators portraying everyone from John Brown and Abraham Lincoln to John C. Calhoun and Jefferson Davis. Frederick Douglas and other famous African Americans of the period will also be invited.
THE ROAD TO SECESSION has already been written about and advertised in the Confederate Veterans Magazine, The Civil War News and The Civil War Courier. The event is being conducted on a 400 acre Christian Camp in East Texas, about 90 minutes from Shreveport and Texarakana.
"This is chance for re-enactors and members of the SCV and other heritage organizations to help define the Cause...what was the war about," says Mark Vogl, organizer of the event. "We need commitments for participation, this is a once in a life time event, and we are hoping to have participants from all over the country." Vogl went on to say that for a mere 60.00 dollars per person, per day, they can provide both meals and a comfortable lodging, but in order to assure a space at this price its important to make your commitment now.
To make reservations, or get more information, contact Mark Vogl, 2d Lt. Commander, Texas Division, at or call him at 903-725-3175.
Finally, Vogl says this event needs financial support. "We have raised over 3500.oo so far, but the lease for the camp is over 10,000. In addition, there will be costs for publishing the proceedings, assisting some impersonators coming from long distances, etc. "We are a tax deductible event, and we need all the help we can get." said Vogl. So far a number of camps within the SCV have made contrubitions.
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