
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Edgerton To Speak At Sesquicentennial Event On Lake Conroe

H. K. Edgerton, social activist and defender of "Southern Heritage" will speak at the 2011 Confederate Heroes Day Cotillion marking the beginning of the 150th anniversary of the War Between the States to be held at April Sound Country Club, January 22, 2011. A former President of the Asheville North Carolina Chapter of the NAACP, Mr. Edgerton is known nationwide for his defense "Southern Heritage" and is often seen wearing a Confederate Uniform and carrying the Confederate Battle Flag which he refers to as "Saint Andrew’s Cross". H. K. proclaims that "No true Southerner would allow themselves to be pulled into the abyss held only by traitors. Confederate Heritage is who I am and any one who calls themselves Southern. It is a honorable heritage constituted by a honorable people who just happen to go to war with his brother from a different region of the country and one who has been wronged for far to long in the accountings of this heritage and the symbols that bare much of that out".

H. K. is a life long resident of Asheville, North Carolina and is the son of the late Rev. Roland Rogers Edgerton and Annabelle Edgerton. Mrs. Annabelle Edgerton, is the only Black woman to receive a Confederate State Funeral, and has a Heritage Award presented each year in her name by The North Carolina Order of Confederate Rose.

Since the late 1990’s, H. K. has waged a one man protest against "Southern Heritage" violations. Mr. Edgerton was launched into the national spotlight while trying to settle racial unrest in his hometown of Asheville when he was ousted as president of the local chapter of the NAACP for what some members perceived to be collaborating with the enemy. Despite adversity, H. K. held fast to his belief that all Southerners, regardless of race, should unite under "Saint Andrew’s Cross" and began his vigil to explain the "true history of the South". Once again, he received national attention for his 2003, "March Through Dixie", traveling 1,400 miles, carrying the Confederate Battle Flag from Asheville, North Carolina to Austin, Texas to protest the removal of Confederate Memorial Plaques from the Texas Supreme Court Building.

More information about H. K. Edgerton and his mission toward uniting all Southerners can be found on his website at The Confederate Heroes Day Cotillion and Sesquicentennial Celebration will be held at April Sound Country Club on Lake Conroe, 1000 April Sound Blvd., Montgomery, Texas, Saturday, January 22, 2011 starting at 2:30 pm.

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