
Tuesday, September 07, 2010


It began as a snickering idea put forth by a blogger known as “Jesus’ General”
( – a har-de-har-har proposal urging folks to burn Confederate flags at the various Tea Party rallies scheduled for September 12. As is characteristic of many amateur humorists, the good General apparently doesn’t care that his satire is a bit fuzzy – he manages to cram Confederate heritage, the TEA party platform and racism into a single muddled object of his sophomoric jeering. This doesn’t bother his audience a bit – blog comments indicate Jesus’ General is adored by children of all ages. And since the General thoughtfully includes specific instructions for a Confederate flag-burning demonstration, there will inevitably be those who will act on that information.

Let ‘em, says the SLRC. And while their handful of techno-vandals do their thing, what would happen if every single owner of a Confederate flag quietly but prominently displayed it come Sunday? There would be an awful lot of Confederate flags across the landscape. Enough, perhaps, to give pause to the merry pranksters of Jesus’ General, and to others of their persuasion as well.


  1. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Burning a Confederate flag (Christian flag by the way so that would be a slap at God as well as freedom) is a Communist action. Confederate flags stand for freedom and against tyranny and against Communism Marxism. IN Florida there are laws to protect the Confederate flags. No Confederate flag burning here ! All southern states should have that law ! I'd personally arrest anyone I saw burn or disfigure a Confederate flag ! Sacrilege !!

  2. I fly my First Flag of the Confederacy every single day of the year, as of July 25th, the last active duty day of my USMC Sgt daughter. I removed the USMC EGA and replaced that with the flag of the true history of the Southern States. I live in Michigan. I long to live in the South and will someday, even if it's just to die there. I will fly my flag, in Michigan, on September 12th.

  3. Born and raised in Dixie, My heart and soul belongs to the Confederacy,The intrusive Government the south fought against used slavery as a coo and an excuse to invade our homeland, The propaganda of racism was attached to our flag, Dixie fought against anyone owning any part of America without being a citizen, Now to this day this intrusive Government is still selling our homelands to other countries, I fly only one Flag, That of Dixie, LEST WE FORGET!!!
