
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Spiritual Cause and Effect of the War to Prevent Southern Independence

by David Ware

European immigrants settled in America in areas suited to their lifestyles and world views. Our ancestors settled in the South because the area provided the best conditions for them to live and raise a family, providing for themselves with the fruits of creation garnered from fertile land and bountiful water. People did this in all regions of the continent. The Northern colonies became entrenched in the doctrine of progress and expansion while the South settled into agriculture and subsistence. These cultures have a set of values and world views that are distinct and pronounced. What we have today is a product of the northern Yankee industrialist/expansionist doctrine pretty much extended into every corner of the nation and being extended into all parts of the Earth as well. The theme runs like this: The idea is to make as much money as possible and spend as little as possible. “As much” and “as little” have no terms or limits. On a micro level the individual is on an endless quest for more, on a macro level, the nation state is on an endless quest for markets and raw materials to exploit in order to sustain the doctrine of the nation’s culture. The nation and the individuals who make it up become parasitic, feeding on fellow citizens of the nation and the world.

In days of yore, our ancestors were those being fed upon. Their culture was mainly one of sustenance, with the goal of providing home and food for the family and community. The North regarded our region as a colonial state to provide it with a source for raw materials for its factories, a market for its manufactured goods and the chief source of the nation’s tax revenue to promote the infrastructure needed to expand its doctrine of progress.

In 1860, the Southern states were paying some 80% of the Federal till. This, in itself, would have been an important reason for war on both sides. After the war, the North continued its domination of the South as a colonial dependent but expanded its doctrine of progress in our region, indoctrinating our people to leave their farms, go to cities and towns and take up the mantle of the expansionist/progressive system.

Our land and culture have been pretty much destroyed. Our banks, media, schools, churches, insurance companies, stores and places of employment are all chiefly owned and controlled by Northern interests where propaganda and political correctness take precedence over facts, the community and empirical evidence. Our region provides a far disproportionate share of cannon fodder for expansionist/imperialist wars of aggression fought to placate the banking/warfare/welfare interests that are now ruling this country. Our region has been over run by Northern hordes who have sold their houses “up North” to buy cheaper houses “down South.” Many of these invaders have brought their puritan “holier-than-thou-this-is-how-we do-it-up-North” belief system into the political process bringing us a new wave of carpetbaggers and scalawags intent on destroying what little is left of our land and culture in the name of the “future.” The doctrine of progress and the doctrine of subsistence are not easily co-existent. That’s why our enemies denigrate and demean us. They are mostly wholesale subscribers to our antithesis.

Not surprisingly, there are spiritual consequences. A clear example is the behavior of the Amish (an agrarian culture similar to our ancestors’ antebellum way of life) in reaction to having a deranged man murder their innocent children on October 2, 2006. The Amish forgave the man and ministered to his family. Contrast that behavior to the United States reaction to the 9/11 attacks in New York City. Grief and mourning are processes that, to be done effectively, require many stages of which anger is only one. Our progressive/capitalist/industrial/socialist culture hardly ever manages to get past the anger stage, embroiling us in never-ending war and worldly mayhem.

More of these spiritual differences will be further explored in future writings.

1 comment:

  1. The fundamental spiritual (cultural) differences between North and South have been "swept under the rug" for so long now, that it is all but forgotten. Thanks for a great post, sir!

    Stephen Clay McGehee
