
Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Lane-Armistead Camp SCV/Mathews Little League

Civil War Sesquicentennial Commemoration/Fundraiser

Piankatank Ruritan Club

June 11-12, 2011

The Lane-Armistead Camp #1772 of the Sons of Confederate Veterans in collaboration with the Mathews Little League are promoting a day long Civil War learning experience focusing on Mathews County, Virginia while raising badly needed funds for the Little League. This is intended to offer a unique and fresh approach to the War by honoring all men who served, both North and South, while also focusing on the future by giving financial support to our Little League which provides physical fitness and character building opportunities for all of our children. We also seek to highlight those whose role is usually neglected such as the children, women, and African–Americans.

The event will offer many new and exciting displays such as never before published images of children, period games, contemporary children’s art, music, rifle-making, artillery demonstrations, re-enactors, living history interpreters, Mathews’ items and artifacts as well as new authors and book signings. Come and experience the sights and sounds of life 150 years ago. Bring your artifacts, papers or ancestors’ names and learn more about them and help preserve our history. Talk to Captain Sally Tompkins - the only female commissioned officer in the Confederate States Army; James Gardner, USCT, Medal of Honor recipient; Major John Pelletier, Regimental Surgeon, CSA; Thomas Chester, free man of color and reporter, Philadelphia Press; or simply, “Spinster Annie” citizen.

The day will finish with an Oyster Roast and BBQ served by the Mathews Little League starting at 4:30 and for those willing to wait until dark, the roar and thunder of firing cannons belching flaming fireworks from their muzzles.

Sunday will also offer an exciting and somewhat unique experience when the public is invited to attend a period church service officiated by Chaplain Alan Farley of Appomattox. Coffee and light refreshments will be provided by the United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Remember, all proceeds go to support our children through the wonderful efforts of the Mathews Little League. This will be the one sesquicentennial event that you do not want to miss.

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