(Atlanta - July 27, 2011) After more than two decades of misinformation about the history of the Confederate Battle Flag, and Southern heritage in general, in Georgia politics and the media, there is a large and growing movement of citizens who are harkening back to their roots and arming themselves with the truth. An audio CD entitled "The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag" put out by the Georgia Sons of Confederate Veterans is raising eyebrows now that it has sold more than 70,000 copies and orders continue to flood into the Georgia SCV headquarters.
The project began several years ago when a local SCV camp in the Atlanta area, the Chattahoochee Guards, made the decision to "go out on a limb" to have 10,000 of the CD's produced. Since that time the number has continued to climb. While orders for the CD have come from all across the country, the vast majority of the CD's have been distributed throughout the state of Georgia. In addition to the 70,000 CD's which have been sold, a free online version of the CD is available for download at the Georgia SCV website where thousands of additional listeners have heard the presentation online.
"The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag" is a historically accurate and powerful presentation made by Pastor John Weaver of south Georgia who has served in the ministry for more than 40 years and is a past Chaplain-in-Chief for the SCV national organization. Pastor Weaver is a native Georgian who is one of the most requested revival preachers in America. His presentation on the battle flag incorporates historical information about the creation of the flag and also traces the Christian origins of its design, showing why Southerners have no reason to be ashamed of their flag.
As the CD continues to climb upward to the 100,000 copies sold benchmark, public interest is climbing exponentially. Georgia Division Commander Jack Bridwell of the SCV had this to say about the number of requests for the CD: "It has been amazing to see the interest in young and old alike. So many who hear the CD remark that 'I knew there must be another side to the story. Now I feel like I have the facts that have been left out.' The Georgia Sons of Confederate Veterans are honored to be able to help set the record straight after all of the hate-filled misinformation that has been said about the flag of our veterans." The Georgia Division has just received a new pressing of the CD in order to keep up with the continuing demand.
For more information about the Georgia Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, or to order copies of the CD "The Truth About the Confederate Battle Flag," visit www.GeorgiaSCV.org or email the Chattahoochee Guards directly at either joelkc2442@gmail.com or timfpilgrim@yahoo.com
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