On Saturday, 22 October 2011 the Colonel John T. Coffee Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, will host a Civil War Tour at Osceola, Missouri. One of a number of educational events sponsored by the John T Coffee Camp this tour will include two sessions and a complimentary “Southern Fish Fry” for those who participate. The tour is open to the public.
The first tour will begin at 8:30 AM and the second tour will depart at 12:30 PM. The fish fry will happen between the two tours and will be hosted by the women and friends of the Coffee Camp.
The guided tour will include sites on private property not generally open to the public. The areas to be visited are gun emplacements and forts cut into the rock ledges to repulse an expected attack by Union troops from Kansas. Visitors will see campgrounds and coffer dams built by troops under Confederate General Sterling Price on the Osage River, the “Missouri Brigade Monument” erected to commemorate Missouri’s brave Confederate soldiers, the “Osceola Confederate Monument” remembering the burning of Osceola and honoring the 12 men murdered by Gen. James Lane during the raid. .
Tour will also consist of visits to sites important to the story of Jesse James and the Younger Brothers who were all Confederate veterans. Participants will get to see “Younger’s Lookout” and the scene of the “Roscoe Gunfight” which was part of the ongoing war of suppression that came after the War Between the States. Many other places will be visited.
The Civil War Tour will have some short walking for those who wish to see the entire event and will require reservations no later than 15 October 2011. There is a suggested $15.00 per person donation which includes the complimentary Fish Fry. Send your reservations to, Richard Sunderwirth, PO Box 543, Osceola, MO 64776: Call him at: 417-646-5538, or rfsunder@yahoo.com
Colonel John T Coffee Camp website: www.coffeecamp.net
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