
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

FSU didn't take kindly to my stickers

Click images to enlarge:

From: Richard Estes
Date: Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 12:24 PM
Subject: Hello sir

Hello there Mr. Edgerton, I hope this letter finds you doing well. My name is Richard O'cell Estes and I wanna say I appreciate everything you do for the cause. You're a good man for it and I wish I did more myself. I wonder if I might have a moment of your time. I write to you sir because I'd read something you'd written about folks who have undergone hardships for their beliefs. Now, I haven't suffered like those you've written about, not even close. But I have been harassed and even come to financial ruin for my beliefs. I've had people try to fire me from some jobs, and in the case of this last job, I was fired. Why? Because my car is a mobile Southern defense billboard. I will enclose relevant pictures. I was most recently a contractor for a company that works at Florida State University dealing with cleaning their air conditioner coils. The president of the company is a yankee from Indiana and I believe his vice president is cut from the same cloth. They did not like my often expressed opinions. Apparently the good students at FSU didn't take kindly to my stickers either. As one day the foreman (a man I greatly respect) said word had come down that I have to back my car in if I was to continue to park on campus. Well at first I did not. But then I thought myself clever (doesn't mean that I am) and decided to back it in horizontally. Thereby satisfying their cowardly carpetbagging request, as well as soothing my honour, since my stickers were still rather visible. Even still I feel like a coward for my actions. I feel I let my ancestors down. They died for their beliefs and I can't even park a car? I was so enraged that day that everyone else in the four man crew was trying to calm me down, plus the foreman. They're all good men. I believe it was the 22nd of September when I was fired with a vague "it's not working out." I come to find out from the foreman afterward that it was because of my displays of pride and that they thought I made the company look bad. If you knew the man that ran this company, you'd be struck by the hilarity of that statement. As I do not believe him to be a good man and none of his employees do either. I found out he actually went to church and said something my momma would've, "surprised his skin wasn't burnin'". Well sir I've talked your ear off long enough. Just wanted to let you know it's happening all around. Can't wait to get out of Florida and go somewhere I'm appreciated. Maybe the two places I grew up, GA or SC. Thank you for your time and I hope you have a good one.

Richard O'cell Estes


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Wow what awesome stickers to have on the back your vehicle!!! LOVE IT!!!! It's so refreshing to see this. (though how awful for folks to write that, what's new with the haters of truth and Southerners?!) The South needs more people standing up, being "weird" and flying flags, putting bumper stickers on their vehicles, and educating people on the Southern Cause.
    Thanks for all y'all do with this blog. We all really appreciate it. May God bless you for it!
    For GOD and Dixie,

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Well thank you ma'am. I'm glad you like 'em. Too bad you weren't in charge of the company. We sure do need more folks standing up. Even my own family thinks I shouldn't

  3. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Love it! You've way out done me. My granddaughters father won't let her ride in my car because of my flag and stickers.
    So be it, I am not a coward and I will always honor those who gave all and will never back down. I live in the occupied territory of AZ and we got plenty of ignorance around here too. I'll teach my grandchildren right, that's what grandmas do.

  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Love your stickers! Good for you...and yes, your ancestors died for a grand cause and YOU should be free to stick what you want to stick!
    I am a Pennsylvanian and have the sticker, The South Was Right with the battle flag....I grin to myself whenever a car is behind me...a northern car. hee hee!
