
Saturday, September 01, 2012


6198 Lake Wylie Rd Clover, S.C. 29710
Sept 29, 2012
9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Sponsors— Pvt. Thomas Caldwell Camp #31 (Clover, S.C.), Maj. E. A. Ross Camp #1423 (Matthews, N.C.), Moses Wood Camp #125 (Gaffney, S.C.), Maj. Charles Q. Petty Camp #872(Gastonia, N.C.), Col. William A Stowe Camp #2142(Dallas, N.C.), Mechanized Cavalry Headquarters Camp #212(Blacksburg, SC), Stonewall Jackson Camp #23(Charlotte, NC), Gaston Guards Camp #1822(Stanley, NC), S.C. Div. Mechanized Cavalry, 3rd Batt. Co. A (Sons of Confederate Veterans)

Youth are the Future!
The annual York Confederate Heritage Youth Camp will be held Sept. 29th at 6198 Lake Wylie Rd, Clover, SC 29710 in York County, S.C. This year’s event will be larger and better, with cavalry, artillery and infantry demonstrations conducted by War Between the States re-enactors. Free Admission to everyone!

The youth need to be taught this important part of American History. Come and take an active part in educating and learning about the Cause for Southern Independence!
Instructors are teamed up to teach programs on several topics concerning this war.

For those interested in coming early: You can camp on Friday, Sept. 28th. Arrive at the site around 4 p.m. A small breakfast will be served for the campers at 7:30 A.M. Dinner will also be served on Saturday. Scout Troops are encouraged to attend and will have their own camping spot. Contact all area Scoutmasters to inform them.

Confederate Heritage T-shirts will be given to everyone that responds by September 17th, and limited supplies are available. But same day registration will still be available.

Contacts: Kirk Carter-(704-806-2941)or , Joe Fore-(803)222-1928, Keith Carroll-(704)473-7684, Gary Byrd (704)853-9588 and Bill Starnes-(704)747-1450 P.S.— Children planning to take part in the Youth Day program, please ask for pre-registration forms. Adults are encouraged to attend the Youth Day as well. Everyone is welcome.

1 comment:

  1. In light of the poisons in media against our youth there is a book that I would like to call to your attention and also will be sending it out to various outlets e.g. print news, television, radio news, etc. With things like transgender arguments in grade schools in Aurora Illinois, gay marriage, traditional marriage, religious freedom, etc this book has the energy to jilt the inertia of being politically correct.
    This book points out that there is more to the Bible's stance on the issue of sexuality than merely to stigmatize behaviors by declaring them wrong- and it does it without using the Bible. An Argument ALL clergy should arm themselves with!

    Go to Amazon's Kindle Store and look for "Land of Diminished Distinctions".

    Sincere Regards.
