Kenneth Bachand
According to Buchanan biographer George Ticknor Curtis, Among the
Buchanan Papers of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, in a box labeled
"Buchanan Papers-Nahum Capen, Black, & Brewster," there is a
paper in the handwriting of Attorney General Judge Jeremiah Black, dated
November 17, 1860, and endorsed by President Buchanan, that lists certain
questions propounded to him by the president in respect to the situation
involving the Southern states. (Source: George Ticknor Curtis, Life of
Buchanan, Fifteenth President of the United States, Vol. II, (Harper,
1883), p. 319)
At that time, President Buchanan wrote,
“17 November, 1860. SIR, The excitement in the Southern States
caused by the recent presidential election and by the previous expressions in
the North of hostility to Southern people and their domestic institutions may
produce in some places resistance to the laws of the Union. As I desire to be
guided in this emergency solely by the Constitution, and as there are several
important points obscure enough to need some exposition, I have to require your
opinion in writing on the following questions:
1. In case of a conflict between the authorities of any State and
those of the United States, can there be any doubt that the laws of the Federal
Government, if constitutionally passed, are supreme?
2. What is the extent of my official power to collect the duties on
imports at a port where the revenue laws are resisted by a force which drives
the collector from the custom house?
3. What right have I to defend the public property (for instance, a
fort, arsenal and navy yard), in case it should be assaulted?
4. What are the legal means at my disposal for executing those laws
of the United States which are usually administered through the courts and
their officers?
5. Can a military force be used for any purpose whatever under the
Acts of 1795 and 1807, within the limits of a State where there are no Judges,
marshal or other civil officers?
I will thank you to give this subject your early attention and let
me have your opinion without loss of time.”
Judge Black's opinion bears the date November 20, 1860, one month to
the day prior to South Carolina declaring independence from the United States.
And ironically, although secession was being talked about everywhere from
farmers in their fields to politicians in the houses of Congress, none of
Buchanan’s five questions was focused specifically on that subject. So much of
the opinion as includes the points which are specially controverted and
criticised is here given—about one-half of the entire document.
(Source: Curtis, ibid., Pp. 319–324. See also “Opinion of
Judge Black, November 20, 1860,” James G. Blaine, Twenty Years of Congress:
From Lincoln to Garfield, with a review of the events which led to the
political revolution of 1860, Vol. I, (The Henry Bill Publishing Company,
1884), pp. 603–605; THE WORKS OF JAMES BUCHANAN, Comprising his
Speeches, State Papers, and Private Correspondence Collected and Edited By JOHN
BASSETT MOORE, Vol. XI, (Philadelphia & London, J. B. Lippincott Company,
1910), pp. 860–868, as found in the Dickinson College Digital Collection; and 9
Opinions of the Attorneys General, 517–526.)
The specific portions of the militia acts of 1795 and 1807 referred
to by Judge Black follow here and precede his opinions.
The Militia Act of 1795:
An Act to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws
of the Union, suppress insurrection and repel invasions, and to repeal the act
now in force for those purposes. [The act to be repealed being the
Militia Act of 1792]
Be it enacted, &c., That whenever the United States shall be
invaded, or be in imminent danger of invasion from any foreign nation or Indian
tribe, it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth
such number of the militia of the State or States most convenient to the place
of danger or scene of action, as he may judge necessary to repel such invasion,
and to issue his orders for that purpose to such officer or officers of the
militia as he shall think proper. And, in case of an insurrection in any State
against the Government thereof, it shall be lawful for the President of the
United States, on application of the Legislature of such State, or of the
Executive, (when the Legislature cannot be convened,) to call forth such number
of the militia of any other State or States as may be applied for, as he may
judge sufficient to suppress such insurrection.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That whenever the laws of the
United States shall be opposed, or the execution thereof obstructed in any
State, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of
judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the Marshals by this act, it
shall be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth the
militia of such State, or of any other State or States, as may be necessary to
suppress such combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed; and the
use of militia so to be called forth, may be continued, if necessary, until the
expiration of thirty days after the commencement of the then next session of
The Militia Act of 1807:
STATUTE II. March 3, 1807. CHAP. IX. - An Act authorizing the employment
of the land and naval forces of the United States, in cases of insurrections.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the
United States of America in Congress assembled, That in all cases of
insurrection, or obstruction to the laws, either of the United States, or of
any individual state, or territory, where it is lawful for the President of the
United States to call forth the militia for the purpose of suppressing such
insurrection, or of causing the laws to be duly executed, it shall be lawful
for him to employ, for the same purposes, such part of the land or naval force
of the United States, as shall be judged necessary, having first observed all
the pre-requisites of the law in that respect.
APPROVED, March 3, 1807.
Judge Black’s opinion (unedited)
(Note: The paragraphs have been numbered to facilitate referencing
in the notes that follow.)
“(1) I come now to the point in your letter which is probably of the
greatest practical importance. By the Act of 1807 you may employ such parts of
the land and naval forces as you may judge necessary for the purpose of causing
the laws to be duly executed, in all cases where it is lawful to use the
militia for the same purpose. By the Act of 1795 the militia may be called
forth 'whenever the laws of the United States shall be opposed, or the
execution thereof obstructed, in any State by combinations too powerful to be
suppressed by the ordinary course of Judicial proceedings, or by the power
vested in the marshals.' This imposes upon the President the sole responsibility
of deciding whether the exigency has arisen which requires the use of military
force, and in proportion to the magnitude of that responsibility will be his
care not to overstep the limits of his legal and just authority.
(2) The laws referred to in the Act of 1795 are manifestly those
which are administered by the judges, and executed by the ministerial officers
of the courts for the punishment of crime against the United States, for the
protection of rights claimed under the Federal Constitution and laws, and for
the enforcement of such obligations as come within the cognizance of the
Federal Judiciary. To compel obedience to these laws, the courts have authority
to punish all who obstruct their regular administration, and the marshals and
their deputies have the same powers as sheriffs and their deputies in the
several States in executing the laws of the States. These are the ordinary
means provided for the execution of the laws; and the whole spirit of our
system is opposed to the employment of any other, except in cases of extreme
necessity arising out of great and unusual combinations against them. Their
agency must continue to be used until their incapacity to cope with the power
opposed to them shall be plainly demonstrated. It is only upon clear evidence
to that effect that a military force can be called into the field. Even then
its operations must be purely defensive. It can suppress only such combinations
as are found directly opposing the laws and obstructing the execution thereof.
It can do no more than what might and ought to be done by a civil posse, if a
civil posse could be raised large enough to meet the same opposition. On such
occasions, especially, the military power must be kept in strict subordination
to the civil authority, since it is only in aid of the latter that the former
can act at all.
(3) But what if the feeling in any State against the United States
should become so universal that the Federal officers themselves (including
judges, district attorneys, and marshals) would be reached by the same
influences, and resign their places? Of course, the first step would be to
appoint others in their stead, if others could be got to serve. But in such an
event, it is more than probable that great difficulty would be found in filling
the offices. We can easily conceive how it might become altogether impossible.
We are therefore obliged to consider what can be done in case we have no courts
to issue judicial process, and no ministerial officers to execute it. In that
event troops would certainly be out of place, and their use wholly illegal. If
they are sent to aid the courts and marshals, there must be courts and marshals
to be aided. Without the exercise of those functions which belong exclusively
to the civil service, the laws cannot be executed in any event, no matter what
may be the physical strength which the Government has at its command. Under
such circumstances to send a military force into any State, with orders to act
against the people, would be simply making war upon them.
(4) The existing laws put and keep the Federal Government strictly
on the defensive. You can use force only to repel an assault on the public
property and aid the Courts in the performance of their duty. If the means
given you to collect the revenue and execute the other laws be insufficient for
that purpose, Congress may extend and make them more effectual to those ends.
(5) If one of the States should declare her independence, your
action cannot depend on the rightfulness of the cause upon which such declaration
is based. Whether the retirement of the State from the Union be the exercise of
a right reserved in the Constitution, or a revolutionary movement, it is
certain that you have not in either case the authority to recognize her
independence or to absolve her from her Federal obligations. Congress, or the
other States in Convention assembled, must take such measures as may be
necessary and proper. In such an event, I see no course for you but to go
straight onward in the path you have hitherto trodden — that is, execute the
laws to the extent of the defensive means placed in your hands, and act
generally upon the assumption that the present constitutional relations between
the States and the Federal Government continue to exist, until a new code of
things shall be established either by law or force.
(6) Whether Congress has the constitutional right to make war
against one or more States, and require the Executive of the Federal Government
to carry it on by means of force to be drawn from the other States, is a
question for Congress itself to consider. It must be admitted that no such
power is expressly given; nor are there any words in the Constitution which
imply it. Among the powers enumerated in Article 1, Section 8 is that 'to
declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and to make rules concerning
captures on land and water.' This certainly means nothing more than the power
to commence and carry on hostilities against the foreign enemies of the nation.
Another clause in the same section gives Congress the power 'to provide for
calling forth the militia,' and to use them within the limits of the State. But
this power is so restricted by the words which immediately follow that it can
be exercised only for one of the following purposes: To execute the laws of the
Union; that is, to aid the Federal officers in the performance of their regular
duties. To suppress insurrections against the State; but this is confined by
Article 4, Section 4, to cases in which the State herself shall apply for
assistance against her own people. To repel the invasion of a State by enemies
who come from abroad to assail her in her own territory. All these provisions
are made to protect the States, not to authorize an attack by one part of the
country upon another; to preserve the peace, and not to plunge them into civil
war. Our forefathers do not seem to have thought that war was calculated 'to
form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility,
provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the
blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.' There was undoubtedly a
strong and universal conviction among the men who framed and ratified the
Constitution, that military force would not only be useless, but pernicious, as
a means of holding the States together.
(7) If it be true that war cannot be declared, nor a system of
general hostilities carried on by the Central Government against a State, then
it seems to follow that an attempt to do so would be ipso facto an expulsion of
such State from the Union. Being treated as an alien and an enemy, she would be
compelled to act accordingly. And if Congress shall break up the present Union
by unconstitutionally putting strife and enmity and armed hostility between
different sections of the country, instead of the domestic tranquility which
the Constitution was meant to insure, will not all the States be absolved from
their Federal obligations? Is any portion of the people bound to contribute
their money or their blood to carry on a contest like that?
(8) The right of the General Government to preserve itself in its
whole constitutional vigor by repelling a direct and positive aggression upon
its property or its officers cannot be denied. But this is a totally different
thing from an offensive war to punish the people for the political misdeeds of
their State Government, or to enforce an acknowledgment that the Government of
the United States is supreme. The States are colleagues of one another, and if
some of them shall conquer the rest, and hold them as subjugated provinces, it
would totally destroy the whole theory upon which they are now connected.
(9) If this view of the subject be correct, as I think it is, then
the Union must utterly perish at the moment when Congress shall arm one part of
the people against another for any purpose beyond that of merely protecting the
General Government in the exercise of its proper constitutional functions.
I am, very respectfully, yours, etc.,”
We may summarize Judge Black’s Arguments as follows:
1. The president must not overstep the limits of his legal and just
2. The operations of any military force must be
purely defensive.
3. To send a military force into any State to
act against the people would be to make war upon them.
4. The laws put the Federal Government strictly
on the defensive, and force can be used only to repel an assault on public
5. In the event of the secession of any state,
the president must execute the laws to the extent of the defensive means.
6. The Constitution does not give
Congress the right to make war against any State or to require the president to
carry it on except when the State applies for assistance against her own people
or to repel an invasion of a State by enemies from abroad, not to plunge them
into civil war.
7. A declaration of war or hostilities by the
Central Government against any State or states would absolve all the States
from their Federal obligations.
8. The General Government may not engage in a
war to punish the people for the political misdeeds of their State Governments
or to force them to acknowledge the supremacy of the central
Government. Some conquering others and holding them as “subjugated provinces”
would destroy the theory upon which they were united.
9. The arming of any portion of the people
against another save for “protecting the General Government in the exercise of
its constitutional functions” would constitute an end of the Union.
Seventeen years earlier, Justice Joseph Story of the U.S. Supreme
Court, though not an advocate of secession, quoted legal scholar George Tucker,
saying in reference to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution: “It may not
be amiss further to observe, (in the language of another commentator,) ‘that
every pretext for intermeddling with the domestic concerns of any state, under
colour of protecting it against domestic violence, is taken away by that part
of the provision, which renders an application from the legislature, or
executive authority of the state endangered necessary to be made to the general
government, before its interference can be at all proper.’" (Source:
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, 1833, volume 3,
sections 1808, 1819)
John Remington Graham said of the use of federal troops within
a state: "It is an historical fact that, on two occasions during their
deliberations, the framers in the Philadelphia Convention voted to deny
Congress the power of calling forth military forces of the Union to compel
obedience of a state, and on two further occasions they voted to deny Congress
the power of sending the Federal army or navy into the territory of any state,
except as allowed under Article IV, Section 4 of the United States
Constitution—to repel a foreign invasion or at the request of its legislature
or governor to deal with domestic violence." (Source: Graham, op. cit., p.
The most pertinent words from Judge Black’s opinion relative to the
subject of this treatise are found in section 6 where he says, “There was
undoubtedly a strong and universal conviction among the men who framed and
ratified the Constitution, that military force would not only be useless, but
pernicious, as a means of holding the States together.” As the secession
of Southern states in 1860 and 1861 was neither un-Constitutional nor illegal;
and as the Confederate States of America did not invade the United States of
America, the right of the government to use the military to defend itself
against an invasion by a foreign power cannot justify Lincoln’s call for 75,000
troops to force the seceded states back into the union.
It is interesting to note that in December, shortly after receiving
Judge Black’s opinions, Buchanan promoted him from Attorney General to
Secretary of State. Two months later, in February of 1861, John Moncure
Daniel, after seven years as chargé d'affaires to Sardinia, returned
home, met with the new Secretary of State, and reported him to have said, “Sir,
slavery is but an accident in this quarrel. Slavery is only the John Doe and
Richard Doe case, in which this mooted question is to be decided—whether your
States shall continue their sovereignty and self-government, or the Northern
majorities shall govern you and all of you as they please and according to
their own separate interest. If they had not the point of slavery convenient,
they would try it on other points just the same.”
(Source: Pen of Fire, John Moncure Daniel, Peter Bridges, Kent State
University Press, 2002, p. 161)
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