Mark Vogl
The phones are ringing off the hook at the homes of Southern heritage leaders;
“What can be done, and what can we do?” people are asking.
Over the past decade or, each time there has been a Culture War battle over a
symbol or issue related to Southern heritage which draws national attention,
sleeping Americans wake up and want to know what can be done? For a few days,
weeks or months the heritage organizations see an influx of members and
increased interest in their communities. And usually, with time, things calm
down and other “crisis” take the minds of the American people, and Southern
heritage recedes into the shadows.
This most recent attack on the South, (a combination of the Supreme Court case
ruling against the Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans and their
application for a vanity license plate, and the battle over the Confederate
Battle Flag in Columbia, South Carolina) has now led to attacks against the
United States itself, in terms of attacking the American Flag, to calling for
the removal of monuments to American icons like Jefferson and Washington, and
even fringe discussions about the need to change the name of America’s capital,
Washington, D.C. because of President Washington’s slave ownership.
All of this comes as Neo Conservatives and Obama-ites attack American national
form and sovereignty from different directions, for different reasons.
The concept of a Christian, capitalist, Constitutional republic reflecting the
will of the majority within the confines of constitutional parameters is under
direct assault. And it’s not just in the streets, it starts in the college
classrooms where Professor Obama taught!
The attack on the South is merely the tip of the ice berg of the huge effort to
undermine, attack and replace what we conventionally and parochially think of as
the United States of America.
Transformation, with a capital “T” is what candidate Obama promised, and it is
what he is attempting to do. The Culture War is just one front, in a war that
threatens the very existence of America. The war rages in economics, separation
of powers, societal norms and design, and not just the role of God, but whether
the Christian framework of America will be forever removed and replaced by Islam
and/or secular humanism.
Never before has it been so clear, so obvious, how the absence of heritage
organizations from American politics has left a huge vacuum, or hole in the
defense of the concept of America. The voice of history was kept silent as
decisions which alter the fundamental character of our nation are
This fight is not just about the Sons of the Confederate Veterans, or the Untied
Daughters of the Confederacy. This fight includes the Sons of the American
Revolution and the Daughters, the Grand Army of the Republic and all patriotic
organizations. While minority and liberal not-for-profits have learned the
ropes of political activism and hold great influence in the national and state
capitals, the patriotic organizations have been gagged by the I.R.S. and their
internal leadership. But, it is a greater abdication of responsibility than
just the leadership, the very membership has avoided any realization of their
critical role in sustaining democracy and Christianity.
Another sleeping giant is the Christian Church of
It is difficult to say who is more guilty of dereliction of duty to their own
purpose, those heritage organizations dedicated as guardians of American
history, or those organizations dedicated to the memory of the South, whose very
Charge calls for “vindication of the Cause.”
What is clear is that the enemies of America know the importance of history and
are savagely attacking the history which tells the American story. It is clear
they know that the foundations of today’s nation rest in Christianity, the
Founding Fathers, and issues which led to Civil War (not the issue of slavery,
but the issues of States’ Rights, consent of the governed, state sovereignty and
the right of secession, and the rule of law and agreed social contracts.)
The answer to the phone calls is not a simple, easy one. And it is not one that
can have results tomorrow. Citizens must realize that the Left, comprised of
atheists, agnostics, libertarians, socialists and Marxists have spent scores of
years working in a coordinated fashion to wreak the havoc they now cause. It
will take that kind of dedication and persistence to right the ship.
For national leaders like Rush Limbaugh, it will require a new understanding of
21st Century Conservatism. It
will require the injection of Christianity and nationalism into the corporate
board room. It will require a more solid link between conservative politics and
individual economics, where like the government employing liberals, the
corporations and small business must employ conservatives. It requires a
recognition that while the economic pie can expand, it does have limits at any
given time, and to retain political power requires benefiting those who share
political views first.
The answer to the phone calls to the heritage leaders is to tell the caller we
need to be robust citizens, vigilant and active at all levels of government,
local, state and federal. It is time for a fusion of groups like the Tea Party
with groups like the Daughters of the American Revolution. It is time for those
who work to preserve the history of States’ Rights and separation of powers to
be equally as active in pursuing those political objects in the present
There has been an outpouring of Southern symbols in road rallies across the
South, but these rallies, while beautiful and spontaneous must be seen as the
first step in restoring American Culture, much as King’s march in Selma was only
the first step in the 20th Century
Civil Rights battle.
For starters, get a copy of the Confederate Constitution and read it. And when
you read it take careful note of the differences. When you do, you will see
that the Founders of the Confederacy saw the issues on their horizon which are
with us today.
me close with this observation; is it coincidence that the Supreme Courts ruling
on homosexuality, and their ruling against the Sons of Confederate Veterans
occurred in the same session. weeks apart?
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