During the War Between the
States Atlanta’s militia company, the Gate City Guard, had greeted Union troops
with the open arms of battle. In 1879 the “reconstructed” Gate City Guard
visited Northern units it had fought against during the War and were welcomed
with the open arms of friendship. This reconciliation tour of the North became
known as:
Great Peace Invasion
By John C. Whatley
Atlanta’s Gate
City Guard originally organized as a militia company in 1855 to assist the
police force of Atlanta. With the outbreak of the War Between the States, the
Guard volunteered its services to the State of Georgia, becoming Company F of
the 1st Regiment of Georgia Volunteers (Ramsay’s). Mustered into Confederate
service, the Guard was initially sent to Pensacola, Florida, to serve under
Confederate General Braxton Bragg. Reassigned to Virginia, it participated in
the Battle of Carrick’s Ford and the Cheat River campaign under General Robert
E. Lee. Later the Guard joined General Stonewall Jackson for his advance on
Hancock and Romney, Virginia. After its year of service expired, many of the
old company joined the 9th Georgia Light Artillery Battalion commanded by Major
Austin Leyden, a former lieutenant of the Guard, and served in the Army of
Northern Virginia through Appomattox. After the War the members returned to
Atlanta to rebuild their lives.
In 1870 many of
the old members reorganized the company with younger recruits, electing Major
Leyden as its captain. After reorganizing, though, it was found that, under the
Federal Reconstruction Statutes, no State military organizations were permitted
or recognized in the former rebellious States. The company continued in limbo
until July 1876 and the end of Reconstruction, when it reorganized permanently.
Comprising only
30 troops at that time, the Guard immediately began to expand with new
recruits. Major Leyden initially presided over the reorganization, but resigned
to devote more time to his growing business interests in Atlanta. The Guard
then elected Joseph F. Burke of Charleston, South Carolina, its captain by
unanimous vote on March 21, 1878.
Burke openly
stated he believed that the South was right to secede to maintain local
self-government. At the outbreak of the War Between the States, he belonged to
a corps of cadets in the South Carolina First Regiment of Rifles, and took part
in the firing on the Star of the West
on January 9, 1861. He also participated in the bombardment of Fort Sumter and
other battles. But with the military settlement of the War, he followed Robert
E. Lee’s admonition to go home and become a good citizen.
When he became
commander of the Guard, he determined to visit his home town of Charleston and
take the Gate City Guard with him. A week of military encampment at the
historic city would give the Guard another taste of camp life and military
discipline, and also allow them to visit a celebrated locality. This proposed
visit was warmly received by the members of the Gate City Guard, and by the
public of Atlanta generally. Burke invited Governor A. H. Colquitt, a former
Confederate general, to go with the Guard as its guest. Governor Wade Hampton
of South Carolina, another former Confederate general, granted Captain Burke’s
request for permission to march at Charleston and issued an invitation to visit
Columbia as well. This successful meeting of the Georgia and South Carolina
militias became a mere prelude to the future.
Following the
successful encampment in South Carolina, Captain Burke announced another
undertaking, a friendly invasion of the North. Sectional prejudice at that time
formed the stock in trade of many Northern politicians, called “waving the
bloody shirt.” But Captain Burke believed that such sentiments were not
representative of the majority of people of the North, whether civilians or
soldiers. He believed that a representative military organization, comprised of
men who had faithfully defended the Confederacy, would do valuable service in
restoring the Union. He claimed that a Union pinned together by bayonets would
be worse than no Union at all.
In 1879 Burke
planned the “Northern Tour” in which the Guard would visit Northern cities,
dressed in their blue uniforms and bearing the United States flag, and test the
temper of the Northern people. Georgians, at least, were reconstructed, were
willing to let bygones be bygones, and would bury the “bloody shirt” with all
its bitter memories.
The friends of
the Guard were divided as to the opportuneness of this visit. Some pointed out
that no such movement with the same unselfish and patriotic purpose had ever
been undertaken by the military. It was argued that the time was not ripe for
such an undertaking, that sectional feeling was yet deeply rooted, and the
Guard might find themselves received with chilling courtesy or open hostility.
Governor Colquitt and others, however, advised the fraternal mission proceed,
pointing out the historic importance of the undertaking.
As the Rome Tribune of September 30, 1879,
reported: “[The Gate City Guard] is making preparation for their visit to
Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, New Haven, Hartford, Boston and
Lawrence, Mass., and other cities. The undertaking has assumed a national
character, and the grandest receptions await them in all these cities on their
route, beginning at Washington by President [Rutherford B.] Hayes. Their
private car is being refurnished and will go with them to Boston and return. … The
visit is calculated to have excellent effect in promoting a feeling of
fraternity between the sections of our country, which is the prime object of
the tour.”
An Atlanta Constitution reporter called on Burke,
asking for details of the tour. “At Washington we will be the guests of the
Washington Light Infantry. President Hayes, if he should be in Washington, will
also give us a reception. In my conversation with him a few weeks ago, he spoke
very kindly of the Atlanta people, of their hospitality, thrift and enterprise,
and dwelt at some length on the good effect our visit to the North would have
in promoting harmony and fraternal feeling between the extreme sections of the
country, and expressed much pleasure at the prospect of meeting the military
and civil representatives of Atlanta in Washington. … The object of the trip is
to observe the militia systems of Northern States and at the same time to
promote, as far as possible, harmony and good feeling between the people of
both sections of our country.”
At departure the
Guard marched through applauding crowds of enthusiastic Atlantans down to their
special railcar. With many “God speeds” and benedictions from loved ones, the
Guard began its trip to Washington. At Belle Isle, Virginia, however, the
Guard’s train was unexpectedly halted by a delegation from the Richmond Light
Infantry Blues, headed by Gov. John S. Wise and a large number of officers, who
entertained them with a luncheon and speeches.
The Washington Post reported on the Guard’s
arrival in Washington: “It is doubtful if any visiting company of military ever
met with the reception that was accorded the Gate City Guard, of Atlanta, Ga.,
by the Washington Light Infantry and citizens on their arrival last night, en
route for the North. … The Gate City Guard numbered forty men, nearly all of
whom were young and of splendid appearance, wearing a blue uniform with canary
color trimmings, white crossbelts, blue dress-coats and stiff hats with
drooping plumes. … As they appeared on the depot platform, [they] were greeted
with loud cheers by a large mass of citizens in attendance. … From the depot
all along the route, the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. When the two companies
entered Sixth Street, they were surrounded by a concourse numbering several
thousand persons, who participated in the street demonstration, affording the
Southerners a mammoth escort. In addition to the generous excitement there was
a fine display of pyrotechnics. The scene on the line of march was exceedingly
brilliant; various colored lights, Roman candles, crackers, bombs and other
fireworks being discharged at every point. … During the march the visiting
troops performed a number of military maneuvers with a precision that won round
after round of cheers. At the armory other evolutions were gone through, after
which Col. [W. G.] Moore [commander of the corps], in a neat little speech,
welcomed the Southern troops, to which Capt. Burke responded, stating the
purpose of the Guards’ visit, and making an appropriate allusion to the
beautiful United States flag which they brought with them.”
“It was only by
special and earnest request that Capt. J. F. Burke consented to give a public
drill,” reported the Washington National
Republican, “as it was the desire of the members, while on their tour, to
avoid, if possible, the notoriety that would probably result. The continued
cheers by the thousands who witnessed the drill, the waving of handkerchiefs by
the hundreds of ladies from the balconies and windows, as each movement was
faultlessly executed, must indeed have been appreciated by the Guard. Nothing
has ever been seen like it in this city. The whole line was more like
mechanical figures than human beings.”
The Washington Post reported the next day
that “At 10 o’clock in the morning, clothed in fatigue uniforms, the strangers
were attended to Mount Vernon by a committee of the Light Infantry. … Having
thoroughly canvassed the historical attractions at the tomb of the immortal
Washington, the troops returned to the city, and repaired to the armory of the
local military. At 4 o’clock, P.M., [they were] escorted by two companies of
the Washington Light Infantry, one in full dress, and the other in fatigue
uniform. … On the march from the Opera House to the depot, the Avenue was again
brilliantly illuminated with a continued shower of pyrotechnics, and the
Atlanta Military left the National Capital as they were welcomed, in a
brilliant and illuminated enthusiastic ovation, in which the citizens vied with
the military to make it a success.”
The Baltimore Sun reported on the arrival of
the Guard there: “Never before, perhaps, in the history of Baltimore, was a
more cordial and general welcome extended by its citizens to a visiting
military organization than that which received the Gate City Guard, of Atlanta,
Ga., yesterday. ... At 9 A.M. Company B, of the Fifth Maryland Regiment, with
75 men in line, … assembled at the armory on Howard Street, in full
regimentals, [and] preceded by the band and drum corps, marched to Calvert
Station. Here Capt. Burke, of the Guard, was introduced by Lieut. H. E. Mann,
of the Fifth. The Guard marched out of the depot [and] were received with a
marching salute. The Georgians marched with the precision of veterans, and
their well-executed maneuvers on the way elicited warm applause from the dense
throng of spectators. …
“At 2:30 P. M., a
banquet was served to the visiting military. … Capt. Burke, in response to
calls from the company, made an excellent speech. … Touching upon politics,
Capt. Burke said the Georgians are fully reconstructed, they believe the war is
over. The Guard comes to the North that they may meet their fellow-citizens
there and seal the bonds of friendship more strongly still. It was contrary, he
knew, to military usage for a company to carry a flag, but he had suggested
that the Guard should carry the Stars and Stripes, which they had won at Rome,
Ga., last July, if for nothing else than at least to show it to the people of
the North and reintroduce them to the flag of their forefathers.”
The Baltimore Daily News noted that “As the
Guard passed in parade along our streets their precision of step and soldierly
bearing elicited general commendation, but whenever they performed any
evolution or executed a command, all of which were done as by one man, the
enthusiasm knew no bounds – the multitude broke into long-continued applause.
One feature was especially noticeable, which was the gentlemanly appearance and
deportment of the members.”
On October 10,
1879, the Guard arrived in Philadelphia, “under escort of a committee of the
State Fencibles” according to the Philadelphia
Press. “Cheer after cheer went up from the crowd. The battalion of
Fencibles were drawn up in line on Broad Street, and they saluted the visitors
with military courtesy, after which both organizations were drawn up in line. …
The marching of the visitors was perfection itself, while the maneuvers were
admitted by those versed in military matters to be really astonishing. Both
organizations were heartily applauded all along the route.”
The Guard went
into a room of the State House, where sat the table on which the Declaration of
Independence had been signed. Captain Burke, asked for a few words, said,
“[W]hen you spoke of the table upon which was signed the Declaration of
Independence, I thought of the Stars and Stripes, which we have brought with us
to testify that it is our wish to cement together the lately divided sections
of our country. … Nevertheless we have brought the ‘Stars and Stripes’ with us,
for we could not resist the temptation of introducing you to the flag of your
forefathers (great laughter); that glorious banner that is destined to float
forever over the greatest government the world ever saw. It will never be
trailed in the dust, for if we of the South were unable to pull it down, nobody
else can (great applause). I accept your invitation to renew our political vows
over the table of the Declaration of Independence, and we pledge our fealty to
the Constitution of our fathers.”
“There is a ring
of true statesmanship about that visit [of the Gate City Guard] that
politicians can not ignore,” wrote the Philadelphia
Evening Paper. “It was a happy thought, and we are glad that our people
welcomed them so heartily. They are certainly a fine body of young gentlemen.”
On October 11,
1879, the Guard arrived in New York, “and were warmly received and entertained
by the Seventh Regiment,” reported the New
York Herald. “After the customary military etiquette the Seventh, headed by
Grafulla’s band, led the Georgians up Courtland Street to Broadway, amid the
plaudits of the thousands who lined the sidewalks to view the pageant and
welcome the Southerners. … [T]he police had all they could do to keep the plaza
clear when the drums and cornets in the distance told of the columns’
Colonel Emmons
Clark, commanding the Seventh Regiment, welcomed the Guard, saying, “I assure
you, Capt. Burke, the kindly feelings evinced by your most praiseworthy visit
are heartily reciprocated by us all.” Captain Burke reflected on “how speedily
and peacefully our differences would have been adjusted had they been left to
the citizen soldiers of our common country (applause). … Here on Northern soil
the sons of those who were estranged in deadly conflict but a few years ago,
meet and embrace in the bonds of fellowship – united once more under the same
roof – breaking bread at the same table; it is a grand subject, this glorious
re-union and the fraternal mingling of two great sections of our country.”
“The reception of
the Gate City Guard at the armory of the Seventh Regiment was one of those
open, generous affairs that only soldiers can give, and which must be seen to
be appreciated,” continued the Herald.
“Then followed, at the request of the officers of the Seventh Regiment, the
exhibition drill of the Gate City Guard, which astonished and delighted the
members of the Seventh, who cheered the skillful execution of many evolutions
to the echo. The precision and accuracy of the strangers was certainly
marvelous, and were characterized by some of the veterans of the Seventh as
unequaled by any visiting corps. … [T]he armory fairly rang with the plaudits
of the Seventh.”
William Sparks of the Guard, asked about the parade on Broadway, replied: “I
was somewhat doubtful of our visit to Philadelphia, until after we arrived
there, because the political feeling in that city had been strongly
antagonistic to the South, but when I found that our mission of reconciliation
was understood and so warmly appreciated, I felt that New York would understand
the purpose of our visit at once.” To which the New York Sun opined that “The visit among us of the Gate City Guard
will do more to bring about an understanding between North and South than the
legislation of a century.”
The Guard arrived
in Hartford, Connecticut “amid the cheers of a large crowd and a salute of
thirteen guns … and were escorted to Bushnell Park, where they were received by
the historic Putnam Phalanx with military courtesies,” reported the Hartford Times. “Prominent among the
decorated buildings was that of the Times . . . [where] stood a large figure of
the ‘Goddess of Liberty,’ her hand stretched forth toward the South, bearing a
branch of palm. Above this, surrounded by flags and festoons of red, white and
blue, was the inscription: ‘The Only Arms Today – Open Arms.’ ”
At a banquet
given by the Putnam Phalanx, Captain Burke was asked for a few words: “We have
come here to clasp hands as did our fathers in the days of the revolution, when
faith, truth, hope and liberty in a common cause, struggled and triumphed
together. We come divested of the pomp and circumstance of war, bearing with us
the Stars and Stripes. The flag that is ours, the emblem of our power, destined
to float over a great nation and a brave people (applause). We are here united
as a common people and have broken bread together. It is a noble sight; we are
here to grasp your hands in fraternal feeling (applause).”
An expected guest
had to send his regrets: “I am glad to add my voice to yours in welcoming the
Georgians to Hartford. Personal contact and communion of Northerners and
Southerners over the friendly board will do more toward obliterating sectional
lines, and restoring mutual respect and esteem than any other thing that can be
devised. S. L. Clemens [Mark Twain].”
The Hartford Travelers Record noted that
“The Gate City Guard took possession of our city without firing a gun – but
they conquered our hearts and we surrendered. Friends of the South, we can
never quarrel again with those for whom Captain Burke so feelingly spoke in his
address.” The Hartford Times
reported: “Short as the visit was, it was fraught with cordiality and good
feeling. It showed the Southerners that the ‘Yankees’ were ready with open arms
to give them a hearty welcome, that all differences of the past were buried. It
is greatly to be regretted that the company was compelled to go so soon, but
the friendships formed last night will prove lasting ones.”
The next stop was
Boston, where the Boston Daily Advertiser
reported: “The Gate City Guard of Atlanta, Ga., one of the crack military
organizations of the South, for whose advent here much had been arranged by the
city government, military organizations and private citizens, arrived in this
city yesterday [and] were received at the station by … the Boston Light
Infantry [and] the Infantry Veterans Association. … The company is composed of
veterans of the Civil War and young men, sons of Confederate veterans.”
The mayor
welcomed the Guard “[not] as citizens of Georgia, but as citizens of the United
States – having the same government, recognizing the same flag, and sharing the
same political destiny. We interpret this visit on the part of our guests as an
assurance that all hideous recollections of the fraternal strife and discord
which have so recently reddened and polluted their part of this great country
are to be buried in perpetual oblivion, as an assurance of our reconciliation
and amity never to be again disturbed (applause). … We are one people, all
interested, share and share alike, in the common prosperity and glory
(applause). Do not let the politicians and office-seekers make you believe that
anything can come between the people of this great country, and prevent unity
of heart, so essential to political unity (applause). … I most heartily endorse
the fraternal purpose of our visitors from Georgia and I bid them God speed on
their patriotic mission.”
The Boston Globe noted that “Capt. Burke
confesses that when he set out on his tour he had misgivings as to the temper
in which a Southern military organization would be received. … But in the case
of our Atlanta visitors this misapprehension of Northern sentiment has been
dispelled. The words of Capt. Burke should be pondered by the organs of
animosity in this section; that ‘the people of this country bear no ill-will
toward each other by reason of State boundaries or a deplorable past, and only
subtle schemes of designing men can keep the people of both sections from that
union and fraternization which we all so ardently desire.’ ”
The Lawrence Daily Eagle editorialized that
“Since the war of the rebellion, a Southern militia organization under arms has
not been witnessed in our streets ’til now, and to see such again, marching
under the old flag, on a mission of patriotic fellowship, is certainly a
distinguished sight, and our citizens and soldiery did just right to give them
a hearty welcome. A better acquaintance with the people of the North will do
great good, and though the magnanimity shown to them by us is unparalleled in
history, it is an omen of our advanced civilization.”
After this the
Guard was recalled to Hartford, Connecticut, where they were lavishly
entertained, then escorted to Poughkeepsie, N.Y., where the 21st Regiment
hosted a tour of Vassar College and Eastman College.
Arriving back in
New York, it was time for the Gate City Guard to return to Atlanta. As its
train made its way southward, the Washington Light Infantry, fearing the Guard
would be worn out, stopped the train and provided a luncheon at the depot. At
Charlotte, N.C., they were again stopped by the citizens and the military. Here
again they were feasted and congratulated on their tour of the North. The Guard
was met in Atlanta, after an absence of nearly three weeks, by the citizens and
the company of the Guard who could not go on the Northern tour.
“And thus ended
one of the most patriotic and successful military expeditions ever planned and
executed in time of peace,” recorded The
Chronicles of The Old Guard. “The movements of the Guard from place to
place on its grand tour of reconciliation had been closely watched by the
people and press of the South. Dixie reached every round of applause accorded
to her representative sons, and felt pride in the general acclamations of
welcome that greeted the Gate City Guard on Northern soil. And this
conciliatory movement proved the forerunner of a wave of fraternal feeling that
swept over the Union.”
This was the
beginning of many joint enterprises between militia units of the North and the
South. Eventually the United States abandoned the militia system and replaced
it with the National Guard. The Governor of Georgia ordered all State militia
units to join the Georgia National Guard, but the Civil War veterans in the
Gate City Guard decided they were too old for active service. In 1893 they
withdrew from the Gate City Guard and formed the Old Guard Battalion of the
Gate City Guard, which is still part of the Georgia State Militia and a member
of The Centennial Legion of Historic Military Commands. The Gate City Guard is
today part of the Georgia Army National Guard.
Burke was elected
colonel of the Old Guard Battalion and served until 1914. At his death in 1927,
he was buried in Atlanta’s historic Oakland Cemetery, his mausoleum still
maintained by The Old Guard.
In 1909 it had
been suggested at the annual meeting of the Gate City Guard that a monument be
erected in the city commemorating “The Great Peace Invasion” of 1879. A
committee was appointed to carry out this project, which eventually became a
committee of The Old Guard. Subscriptions to cover its cost were
enthusiastically bought up by the citizens of Atlanta.
On October 10,
1911, the Peace Monument was dedicated. The ceremonies were attended by the
Northern units visited during the “Mission of Peace” with a day-long parade and
feasting. The two-story monument, refurbished in 1996 for the Centennial
Olympic Games in Atlanta, still stands at the 14th Street entrance to Piedmont
Park in Atlanta, and is rededicated each year by The Old Guard.
Atop the monument
is a statue of the Angel of Peace holding an olive branch who tells a
Confederate soldier about to fire his weapon that “Peace is proclaimed.” The
front tablet on the base of the statue states: “The Gate City Guard under the
command of Captain Joseph F. Burke desiring to restore fraternal sentiment
among the people of all sections of our country, and ignoring sectional
animosity, on October 6th, 1879, went forth to greet their former adversaries
in the Northern and Eastern States, inviting them to unite with the people of
the South to heal the nation’s wounds in a peaceful and prosperous reunion of
the states. This ‘Mission of Peace’ was enthusiastically endorsed by the
military and citizens in every part of the Union, and this Monument is erected
as an enduring testimonial to their patriotic contribution to the cause of
national fraternity. Dedicated October 10, 1911 by Hoke Smith, Governor of
Georgia, and Simeon E. Baldwin, Governor of Connecticut.” The east tablet
contains the list of the military organizations involved, which include those
the Gate City Guard visited during its Great Peace Invasion in 1879.
John C. Whatley is a retired field artillery officer and
formerly a lieutenant colonel in The Old Guard, serving as Commander of the
Color Guard. He and the Color Guard participated in the burial of the Hunley crew in Charleston. He is also the author of The Typical Confederate
series, and over 200 other by-lined WBTS articles published in newspapers and
magazines. As a reenactor, he commands the First Regiment of the Georgia State
Line, and speaks to historic organizations about the Confederate soldier..
I am a fan of Austin Leyden and the 9th Bn Ga Artiileey. Sadly no charges were filed with the monument damage.