By Jeff Paulk
We read and hear
much about the north’s opposition to slavery by the abolitionists and Radical
Republicans of the 19th century.
Was it because of their high moral character and great love for the
black race that they looked down their Puritan, blue-blooded, hypocritical
noses at the south and condemned it for the institution of slavery which the
north itself was largely responsible for?
After all, it was the New England Yankees who built the slave ships and
grew very wealthy from the slave trade, and they did this while at the same
time spewing out hateful, venomous, and false propaganda from their pulpits and
in their newspapers against the south.
Let us take a closer look at just how these Yankees really felt about
the plight of the black race, and the truth about how they were treated in the
Ever heard of the
“Black Codes” for which the south must forever be shackled to the altar of
repentance? Well, the “Black Codes”
originated in the north, not the south. Some states, such as Oregon, Ohio,
Indiana, and Illinois (the Land of Lincoln) refused to even allow blacks to
enter them. They were subject to severe penalties if they did. Slavery didn’t
end in the north because of the benevolence and high moral character of the
northerners. It didn’t do well in an
industrial society, and many northerners refused to work alongside of blacks,
unlike southerners. Northerners,
including Lincoln, disliked blacks and wanted them relocated out of the
country. “But, Lincoln was the Great
Emancipator. He loved the blacks and set
them free.” If you believe that fairy
tale then the government indoctrination has been successful on you. Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed not
one solitary soul. Read it. As he stated, it was a war measure designed
to cause a slave insurrection in the south (which did not happen) and to keep
Europe from joining the fight on the side of the Confederacy. The Emancipation
Proclamation was intended to project the false image that the north was taking
the moral high ground and was prosecuting the war to free the slaves, even
though there were over 429,000 slaves in the Union at this time. Tens of
thousands of Union soldiers deserted upon learning of the Proclamation. They
were fighting to “save the Union”, (actually, to subjugate the south) not free
the slaves.
Lincoln stated that
the best use of the western territories was for white people. Nobody wanted blacks, free or slave, in the
western territories. Lincoln was never in favor of giving blacks social or
political equality with whites. He was
devising a plan to resettle blacks in other countries and move them out of the
America was not
divided, as we have been taught, between those who thought slavery was wrong
and those who thought it was right.
Northerners were not opposed to slavery in principle, but eliminating it
could mean having free Negroes in their states and they did not want this. Most southerners would have gladly been rid
of the curse of slavery, but realized that a method of gradual emancipation
would be best so that blacks could be educated and trained in various skills
and trades, preparing them to enter society as free people. In fact, many slaves were already being freed
in the south and a lot of slave owners had it written in their wills that upon
their death the slaves they owned would be freed.
Harvard professor
and militant liberal activist, Charles Eliot Norton, supported the “free soil”
movement in the west to “confine the Negro within the south”. While the northern abolitionists said they
thought slavery was wrong, they desired not association with blacks and shared
racist attitudes with most other northerners. Ohio abolitionist and Senator
Benjamin Wade, upon arriving in Washington in 1851 said, “It is a God forsaken
N…..ridden place.” He said, “The food
was all cooked by a N….. until I can smell and taste the N…..” Wade said he didn’t like blacks, but hated
southerners more. But it is the
southerner who has been branded with the title “racist”.
Misconceptions of
southern slavery as the brutal land of whips and chains, no doubt bolstered by
the writing of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, can be easily disproven by “The Slave
Narratives”, as well as the following excerpts from “A Southside View of
Slavery” written in 1854 by a northerner, Nehemiah Adams, who paid an extended
visit to the south to care for a sick relative.
On page 18 he says, “A better-looking, happier, more courteous set of
people I had never seen than these colored men, women, and children whom I met
the first few days of my stay in Savannah.
It had a singular effect on my spirits.
They all seemed glad to see me.” On
page 28 he says, “People habitually miserable could not have conducted the
musical service of public worship as they did; their looks and manner gave agreeable
testimony that, in spite of their condition, they had sources of enjoyment and
ways of manifesting it which suggested to a spectator no thought of involuntary
servitude.” He says on page 32, “My
previous images of slaves were destroyed by the sight of those women with
dresses which would have been creditable to the population of any town at the
north.” On page 73, “Slaves are allowed
to find masters and mistresses who will buy them.” Page 151, “Are we afraid that the sight of
the happy relation subsisting between masters and their slaves will make our
people in love with the institution?”
This is not to deny
that abuses occurred. They most
certainly did, but they were the exception, and not the rule. Slaves were well cared for and in most cases
had a close and loving relationship with their masters.
In Donald W.
Livingston’s essay, “Why The War Was Not About Slavery”, we read on page 18 the
“The editor of the
Milwaukee Sentinel said the two races could never live together in peace. ‘Whether it is instinct, reason, or prejudice
is scarcely profitable to discuss…It exists throughout the whole north and time
seems to do little or nothing to modify it.’
An abolitionist said this about his fellow Midwesterners who supported
Lincoln’s no slavery-in-the-west agitation.
They are more properly Negro-haters, who vote free-state to keep Negroes
out, free or slave; one half of them would go for slavery if Negroes were to be
allowed here at all.”
“The editor of the
Chicago Times said “There is in the greatest masses of the people a natural and
proper loathing of the Negro which forbids contact with him as with a leper.”
Senator Sherman of Ohio, brother of the Union general said that northerners were “opposed to having many Negroes among them”.
The anti-slavery
talk in the north and west consisted of no moral intentions, but rather the
political and economic interests of those in the north and west against those
of the people in the south. The true accounts of our history have been
suppressed more so than ignored.
Believing all that we have been taught in school and what we hear and
see in the media and what is put out by Hollywood is not only a mistake, but it
prevents us from learning the truth and keeps us buried in the dungeon of
historical ignorance. You can choose to
remain in that dungeon, or free yourself by learning the historical truths
which are so readily available.
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