
Sunday, May 16, 2021


By Jeff Paulk

In the few days since Governor Benedict Arnold Bentley took it upon himself to remove the flags from this beautiful monument, Ruffin Flag Co. of Georgia has sold close to 30,000 Confederate flags. 22,000 of them were sold in one day, and they ran out when they sold 3000 more by 11:00 clock the next morning. I was told by phone conversation with their office yesterday morning that what they have sold in less than 2 days represents what they would normally sell in a year! There is no denying that the unconscionable act of one mis-guided man has struck a loud resonating chord with people all across the South, and it's safe to say that the South has cast a unanimous vote in favor of the Confederate flag, loud and clear, in these past few days, with their pocketbooks, and no need of a word being spoken!

Today, regardless of the media hype, the divisive un-truths spouted by race baiting politicians, and the continual harping about Confederate symbols being icons of hate, the real Southern people know, and will always know what the Confederacy stood for...and it was not SLAVERY!! And because we know, and those people know we know, they realized a long time ago that if their agenda was to triumph, that what we know must be stomped out!! And … what is that we know, that they hate? We know that the foundations of liberty are the unalienable rights granted us by our creator. And that is the much deeper and well hidden reason why we see, and have seen Confederate symbols, (especially our flags) come constantly under attack. They know that this knowledge must be eradicated before they can ever achieve a totalitarian socialist state without dissent!

Some, whom may not yet understand, may ask; “what has this to do with our Confederate flags?” And I will say to them; Look at who you are?; Look at where you came from?; Look at the contributions of your Southern ancestors to the documents that were designed to enforce that no man, or group of men would trample upon your God-given liberty. Look at the lives lost, blood spilled and wealth lost by Southern men in the American Revolution….And then… Look at, and study, the history of what your later ancestors sacrificed, in blood and wealth trying to preserve what their fathers and grandfathers fought and sacrificed to give them. And let us not leave out 10 years of military occupation in every southern state by the Yankee army until 1876! And Look at where we are today, as opposed to only a couple of decades ago? Those of you 50 years old and older look at how much freedom has been lost just in your lifetime? And when you have looked, and understood, you will realize that you live in the last stronghold of those who still believe that God, and not man, is the giver of liberty...that morality is outlined in God's Book of Rules, and those rules are not flexible, nor subject to reinterpretation at the whims of a group of morally decadent black robed thugs, or a bunch of self serving greedy politicians!

And when you study the history of your people in the South and learn of the symbolic meanings that our sacred Confederate flags have carried forward in time, you will then know the real reason that those people want them down, and out of sight! And when, and if, they are successful in eradicating your flags…. The next step towards their goal will be to come for your Bibles! For a totalitarian state will not tolerate God at the top of the pile! Study the French Revolution where the beginnings of socialism originated; The Church and religion were persecuted and the exercise of religious beliefs was made unlawful. Better yet, or worse, depending on your point of view, study the regime of Joseph Stalin who was an avowed atheist and closed down some 50,000 Russian Orthodox churches during his tenure as Russia's dictator in chief.

A few days ago Alabama's new dictator in chief, Benedict Arnold Bentley took it upon himself to ignore the hearts of at least 75% of his constituency and desecrate this monument and dishonor 30,000 of your ancestors who fought trying to preserve our state sovereignty and independence. The only recent similar act that may be more reprehensible is that of the removal of the flags of the Army of Northern Va. From the tomb of Gen. Robert E. Lee in Lee Chapel, but at least it was a group of Yankees that was responsible for that one. Benedict Arnold Bentley was a Southerner up until June 24, 2015. On that day he became a dictator and from that day until he puts our flags back up where they belong we will know him as a Turncoat!! I would like to add that no one here condones the heinous acts of murder in S.C. In all of the mass murders and suicides for the past 20 years, a little research shows that in nearly every one of them the perpetrator was on, or had been on, prescription psychotropic drugs. It was no different in S.C. but the media dares not point it's accusing finger at the mental health profession or the pharmaceutical companies or the FDA who is supposed to test the safety of drugs. They would rather take Rahm Emmanuel's advice: It would be a shame to let a good crisis go to waste!


   In a postscript, I add the following to what I've said above: We now have a classic example of the twisted thinking that drives the cultural genocide, with the speech of Rep. Jenny Horne in the SC house who claims to be a descendant of Jefferson Davis! The media is crediting her with swinging the vote in favor of removing the Confederate flag from the Confederate monument on the grounds of the SC Capitol.

   I'm sure that President Davis turned over in his grave and disowned her as a descendant! He certainly would have disowned her if he could know that she was a member of the Republican party! I only have 3 things to say about this: She is an emotionally driven irrational female, she is a lawyer, she is a Republican politician.

Abraham Lincoln is her male counterpart. I'm sure he would give her his blessings!

I was moved by all this to write a little poem, I hope y'all will take it's message to heart.

Yours for and end to Tyranny,



Raise your Southern Crosses high

Fly them tall in wind, and sky

For every one they vote away

Raise 3 more the very next day!

Fly it from your housetops

Plant it in your sod

Let the Lefties know

It's a symbol of our God

Fly one on your home,

fly one on your lawn

Keep it waving proudly

from night to dusky dawn

Fly one from your car,

or wherever there's a space

Keep it flying night and day

forever, in their face

And from this day remember

what's written on this page

that those who hate our Southern ways

deserve our Southern rage

You have no voice in politics

Your votes have brought you naught

You gave them a majority

and look at what you got

And upon the stupid tube

your voice will not be heard

The media is all controlled

They'll have the final word

Your vote will only bring you more

of what you've just endured

So now it comes on down to this;

the only vote you have,

is the dollar in your pocket

and to fly your Rebel flag!

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