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Brock Townsend
Faithful Southron, THANK YOU!!

Southern Heritage <br>News and Views: AMEN

Sunday, July 23, 2006


The ongoing battle to suppress the South, outlaw the Confederate flag, and deny as well as distort history, is a crime against the honor and history of Southern people. It is a genocide being performed to satisfy the concept of a multinational people. And of all things it is being led by Southerners against their own people! If we do nothing evil will triumph. We must all do more. Martin Luther King proclaimed, "Civil disobedience to unjust laws is the commandment of God." He certainly was successful. We need a revival of Southern ideals, customs, beliefs, and truths--one world laws be hanged.

Adapted from a speech by former Rep. John Rarick to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Thomas Jefferson Butler Chapter, Hammond, Louisiana, October 14, 2000.


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