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Southern Heritage <br>News and Views: The Rebirth of DixieNet

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Rebirth of DixieNet

LS News Service - 15 April AD 2008

Recent statistical data indicates that as the political and social outlook becomes more uncertain, the public is taking a serious look at the viability of political devolution and the message of the League of the South.

KILLEN, AL (LSNS) - The figures for website visitors to the LS National website, DixieNet.Org, reveal a sharp increase during the month of March 2008 as well as the early days of April, according to official statistical data compiled by the DixieNet website project team. "We are very pleased with this latest report," said LS President, Michael Hill. Dr Hill continued, "DixieNet traffic has been on a steady increase since October 2007 without any sign of slowing down. This trend indicates to us that the public is taking a serious look at our message of political devolution in these very uncertain times." Thanks to public interest generated from the Second North American Secessionist Convention and the League of the South National Conference held in Chattanooga, TN, October was one of the most productive months for the League in recent memory and has served as the catalyst for an ever growing flow of traffic to DixieNet.

"While we are excited about our progress thus far, we are in no way prepared to rest upon our laurels," said Terry Compton, DixieNet website project leader. "In fact," Compton continues, "Mike Crane, Mike Tuggle, and I are working harder now than ever before to make DixieNet the gold standard for online public relations, not only among Southern Movement websites, but within the realm of social and political activism in general."

DixieNet.Org boasts a hefty repository of content ranging from scholarly essays on states' rights, Southern cultural resurgence, economic issues, and education, to articles on the modern trend toward devolution as a viable means of regaining the political, social, and cultural right of self determination for peoples world wide.

For additional information about the League of the South, DixieNet, or how to advertise your business with the website, please visit or contact the League of the South national office at (800) 888-3163.


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