SHNV's Supporters for Apr. 2012:
Brock Townsend
Faithful Southron, THANK YOU!!

Southern Heritage <br>News and Views: May 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

Texas Monument Dedication at Gaines' Mill

The flyover was paid for by the Texas Division, SCV.

The Richmond Battlefields Association dedicated a monument to Hood’s Texas Brigade on the Gaines Mill battlefield near Mechanicsville on Saturday, May 19, at 2 p.m.

The Texas Battlefield Monument is the first on a Hanover County Civil War battlefield and recognizes the Texas brigade commanded by General John B. Hood that is commonly credited with being the first to break the lines of the Union Army on June 27, 1862. The result was General Robert E. Lee’s first battlefield victory.

Click image to enlarge

Tuesday, May 22, 2012



Well, here we are once again firmly enmeshed in "silly season". "Silly season", to me, is the last six months before the presidential election in this country. Since these events occur every four years, and since I've been around for awhile, I've experienced many of these and what I find most irritating and exasperating is the constant pronouncements during this period of extreme hyperbole, prevarications, falsehoods, untruths and any other term that can be applied to an outright lie.

Yes, I get truly tired of the lies. There are lies to build up one candidate, lies to tear down another, lies to exaggerate the accomplishments of the incumbent, lies to... well, I think you get the picture. Sadly, this constant lying during political campaigns has become a part of the American pageant. It likely always has been although it seems more pervasive than ever before which, I suppose, can be attributed to the advancements in communications and the failure of the media to be non-partisan.

As much as I detest all the untruths associated with modern-day politicking, there is one lie that has been around for awhile which angers me even more than any of the constant untruths that I hear during political campaigns. To me, the biggest lie ever foisted on the American people is the myth that the great war fought from 1861 to 1865 (and erroneously called the "Civil War") was instigated by the South and fought over the issue of slavery.

There had been vast differences between those of the North and those of the South even prior to the time of the American Revolution and the founding of this country. The question of secession had come up numerous times between the founding and the first actual secession of a state in 1860. Early threats of secession had come primarily from New England states with threats of secession being made four times between 1803 and 1846.

The first serious consideration of secession by a Southern State came about as a result of the Tariff of 1832 which followed closely on the heels of the Tariff of 1828 which, in the South, had been called the "Tariff of Abominations". The opposition was so strong in South Carolina that the state called for nullification of the tariff and President Andrew Jackson responded by sending federal naval and military forces into the state. A compromise was reached and the hostilities ended for the time being.

This certainly did not end the differences between the North and the South and by 1850 there were renewed calls by many Southerners for secession. The great John C. Calhoun had prepared what was to be his last public presentation for the South in the United States Senate. Calhoun was dying of tuberculosis and was too weak to present his speech so it was read for him by a younger colleague.

In this speech, Calhoun listed three main grievances of the South that could lead to secession. The first was the exclusion of the South from most of the new territories. The second was the growth in power of the federal government despite the limitations imposed by the United States Constitution. The third grievance was the most critical and involved the effect of federal taxation on the South. Calhoun's words reflected feelings throughout Southern State governments when he explained: "The North had adopted a system of revenue and disbursements in which an undue proportion of the burden of taxation has been imposed upon the South, and an undue proportion of proceeds appropriated to the North... the South... has in reality paid vastly more than her due proportion of the revenue".

Calhoun had precisely nailed the issue. The South was weary of supplying a large proportion of the federal revenue and receiving little in return.

Unfortunately, this situation did not change and on January 15, 1861, after the secession of four Southern states - South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida and Alabama - and the soon-to-be secession within days of three more - Georgia, Louisiana and Texas - Rep. John H. Reagan of Texas (later to be Confederate postmaster general and treasury secretary) rose on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives and directed the following toward the Northern-dominated government: "You are not content with the vast millions of tribute we pay you annually under the operation of our revenue laws, our navigation laws, your fishing bounties, and by making your people our manufacturers, our merchants, our shippers. You are not satisfied with the vast tributes we pay you to build up your great cities, your railroads, your canals. You are not satisfied with the millions of tribute we have been paying you on account of the balance of exchange which you hold against us. You are not satisfied that we of the South are almost reduced to the condition of overseers of northern capitalists. You are not satisfied with all this; but you wage a relentless crusade against our rights and institutions."

Even the English recognized the unfairness of the revenue situation in America. The ATHENAEUM, a British weekly, wrote: "As a rule, the great mass of the public expenditures were made from the North, not in the South, so that Southerners found themselves doubly taxed - taxed first for the benefit of the northern manufacturers, and then, in the disbursements of the public funds, denied an equal participation in the benefits accruing therefrom."

It should be noted that at this time the amount of revenue collected from the Southern States was approximately 75% of all revenue collected by the federal government. As both Calhoun and Reagan had mentioned, most of this was being spent on projects in the North with the South reaping few of the benefits. It's no wonder that the South had had enough of this situation.

It becomes obvious that the major disagreement between the North and the South was a financial one. There is a maxim that had been proven true for thousands of years that states that wars are fought for power and money. Power, of course, includes control of territory, resources and money. There is also an American truism that says when regarding any action of government, "follow the money". If you understand these two jewels of wisdom you will understand why the war of 1861 to 1865 was actually fought and, folks, it wasn't slavery for either side.

Charles Adams, the brilliant economist/historian, in his wonderful book WHEN IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS makes the strong argument that it was during the month of March 1861 that the collision course of the North and South came inevitably to fruition and it was economic reasons alone that caused this happening. Adams calls this period the "war of the tariffs".

What happened was that in early March, Congress passed the highest tariff in American history. This was called the Morrill Tariff. On March 11 the Confederate Constitution was adopted and immediately created, for all practical purposes, a free trade zone in the South because of the exceedingly low tariff which was simultaneously implemented. Prior to this time, going back many months, northern newspapers had been advocating for peace between the two regions through conciliation. Within weeks of the creation of the Southern free trade zone, however, once the newspapers realized the implications of the extremely high tariff in the North and the exceedingly low tariff in the South, they changed their tunes drastically.

Charles Adams cites an example of this radical change by mentioning how the Philadelphia PRESS newspaper had opposed military action by the North in an editorial of January 18, 1861, stating that the secession crisis should best be handled peacefully and not by "conquest, subjugation, coercion or war". Yet, on March 18 this same newspaper was demanding war on the South and a blockade of all Southern ports. This turnaround was repeated by newspapers throughout the North.

For example, for months the New York TIMES had printed articles indicating that secession "would not injure Northern commerce and prosperity". By March 22 this same paper was calling for a shutdown of every Southern port and for "utter ruin" to be brought on the Confederate States.

The Boston TRANSCRIPT keenly perceived something that many other papers missed. The paper pointed out that although several Southern politicians had claimed that secession touched upon the slavery question, this was only a facade. The paper editorialized that "the mask has been thrown off and it is apparent that the people of the principal seceding states are now for commercial independence". For this reason the war was encouraged by many factions in the North. They saw war, a winning war, as the only way to protect commerce in the northern states. Likewise, a number of Southerners had claimed that secession was tied to slavery since they undoubtedly believed that most Northerners certainly would not fight a war, risking blood and treasure, for a cause so secondary to Northern prosperity. Remember, folks, always follow the money.

An interesting aside to all this was the threat issued by New York to withdraw from the Union (secede) and create its own free trade zone. Certainly doesn't sound like freeing the slaves was on the mind of New York businessmen and decision-makers.

It is a fact that a third party, not closely aligned with either of two warring entities, can have a better perspective on what is actually happening than a party close to one or the other of the war participants. For this reason it is interesting to read the perspectives of various periodicals that were covering the American conflict from afar.

The British press, represented by many magazines and periodicals, gave extensive coverage to the war in America. The Brits were especially confused by the Northern onslaught upon the South. For instance, the CORNHILL MAGAZINE of London asked a difficult question about Northern actions: "With what pretence of fairness, it is said, can you Americans object to the secession of the Southern States when your nation was founded on secession from the British Empire?" Good question!

MacMILLAN'S MAGAZINE, a major British monthly, sent a correspondent to America to find an answer to a question that was extremely perplexing to many Brits: "What was the North fighting for?" The Brits, indeed all of Europe, knew that Lincoln had refused to speak to a peace delegation sent by Jefferson Davis a month before Lincoln's inauguration to discuss friendly relations and trade agreements between the two countries. To many Europeans this suggested a morality problem on Lincoln's part. There was an accepted doctrine that it was illegal and immoral for a Christian nation to go to war except to defend itself. It was obvious, in America, that it was the South that was on the defensive. Thus the question of what the North was really fighting for remained a mystery to most Brits and Europeans in general.

How did the British perceive the involvement of slavery as a causative factor of the conflict?

Charles Dickens, who covered the war as a correspondent for several publications, wrote that "...the South instead of seceding for the sake of slavery, seceded in spite of the fact that its separate maintenance will expose risks and losses which the Union would afford security." Dickens, as did many Brits, knew that slavery was protected in the U.S. Constitution and that the Fugitive Slave Act had been upheld and supported by the U.S. Supreme Court. [Question: Have you ever wondered why the "Underground Railroad" ended in Canada rather than the Northern states of the U.S.?]

The QUARTERLY REVIEW of London also recognized that slavery was not a major issue insofar as being a causative factor of the war with this analysis: "For the contest on the part of the North is undisguisedly for empire. The question of Slavery is thrown to the winds. There is hardly any concession in its favor that the South could ask which the North would refuse, provided only that the seceding states would re-enter the Union... Away with the pretence on the North to dignify its cause with the name of freedom to the slave!"

The QR also was wise in its understanding of the South's reasoning as expressed in this opinion: "If slavery were alone, or principally, in issue, the conduct of the South would not only be unreasonable but unitelligible." The QR well recognized that maintaining slavery was not the primary issue for the South nor was freeing the slaves a paramount concern for the North.

Charles Adams summed up the attitude of the British reporters thusly: "It seems clear that British war correspondents and writers saw the war between the states as caused by the forces that have caused wars throughout history - economic and imperialistic forces behind a rather flimsy facade of freeing the slaves."

Smart folks, those Brits!

I cannot end without one more quote from the great Dickens: "The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states."

Smart man, that Dickens!

In closing I would like to quote two outstanding writers of the current era. Several years ago in a rebuttal article that I wrote for the local (and very liberal) newspaper here in Tallahassee, I quoted the respected black journalist, W. Earl Douglas, on matters pertaining to that war from 1861 to 1865. During the South Carolina flag fight just over a decade ago, Douglas had defended the continued flying of the Confederate Battle Flag atop the Capitol dome. The following statement truly stood out to me: "I am reminded that it was my grandparents who kept the home fires burning while the Confederacy waged war. Which is why I cannot view loyalty to the South or the desire for independence as being monopolized by either race. And the two greatest lies perpetrated by history (are) that the South instigated the war and that it was fought by the North for the purpose of freeing the slaves."

And finally, from the aforementioned Charles Adams who, by the way, is a Northerner and indeed a member of THAT Adams family: "It seems to this historian that financial prosperity was the powerful force that moved the nation into war. ALL OTHER EVENTS AND MOTIVES WERE SECONDARY." (emphasis mine)

I feel that I am in good company.


Note: Previous articles of CONFEDERATE JOURNAL are available in book form. Articles from 2005 through 2007 are in Volume 1 which can be ordered online at while articles from 2008-2009 are in Book 2 and can be ordered at

Bob Hurst is a Son of the South who has special interests in the Confederacy and the antebellum architecture of the South. He is Commander of Col. David Lang Camp, Sons of Confederate Veterans, in Tallahassee and is also 2nd Lieutenant Commander of the Florida Division, SCV. He can be contacted at or 850-878-7010 (after 9PM).

Confederate Memorial Day - Loudon Park Cemetery , Baltimore, MD June 2, 2012


SATURDAY JUNE 2, 2012, 10:30 A.M.

CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY is celebrated in Maryland each year on the first weekend in June nearest to the birthday of President Jefferson Davis, Once again this year the Colonel Harry W. Gilmor Camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has the honor of assisting the Maryland Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy in planning and presenting the CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY ceremony at Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, Maryland.

The purpose of the ceremony is to honor the thousands of soldiers who served the Confederacy during the War Between the States. Over 600 Confederate soldiers are buried at Loudon Park including Colonel Harry W. Gilmor, General Bradley T. Johnson, and Colonel James R. Herbert. Almost all of the states that gave troops to the Cause of Southern Independence are represented by the honored dead at Loudon Park.

We would like to cordially invite you and all the members and friends of your organization to participate in this important annual ceremony. The event can only be successful with your help. CONFEDERATE MEMORIAL DAY will be held on SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 2012 at 10:30 A.M. Loudon Park Cemetery is located at the 3800 block Frederick Rd.. in southwest Baltimore. This is about three to four mile east of Exit 13 of the Baltimore beltway, Rt. 695. We would like to have all military units meet at Confederate Hill between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

The tentative program includes:

* March on of troops

* Invocation by UDC Chaplain

* Pledge of Allegiance to the US flag

* Salute to the Confederate flag

* Introduction and welcoming remarks by SCV, MOSB, and UDC representatives.

* Presentation of memorial wreaths and floral tributes by various patriotic

organizations and military units. Please let me know if you plan to bring a wreath.

* Dedication of Adopt a Confederate grave markers. 57 new markers will be dedicated.

* Rifle salute

* Benediction

* Refreshments


* Military units, please bring ALL your colors, your drummers and fifers, if any, and as many men as you can muster. Please consider dressing as you would for a parade, not field duty. We ask that reenactors under 16 years of age not carry muskets or edged weapons.

* If you have contacts in other Confederate reenactment units, please invite them or ask them to call us for details.

* All groups, military or civilian are encouraged to bring wreaths or floral tributes to be placed at the Stonewall Jackson Monument in memory of our Confederate patriots.

* If you have contacts in the PRESS, invite them to attend.

For additional details call Elliott Cummings 410-296-9235. . THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


G. Elliott Cummings
Col. Harry W. Gilmor Camp #1388, SCV

Monday, May 21, 2012

Observance of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Tampa

June 30 and July 1, 1862

The most notable occurrence in 1862 was what is known by the National Parks Service as the "Yankee Outrage at Tampa".

The Sesquicentennial Commission of Tampa Bay ( will observe this event as its signature event for 2012, the second year of the observance of the sesquicentennial of the Confederate States of America.

Date: June 30th, 2012 - 150 years to the day of the actual Battle

Time: 5:30 p.m.

Location: Historic Oaklawn Cemetery (just north of downtown Tampa) at monument site to the shell that landed in the Cemetery

Walking Tour of Confederate Tampa

Immediately following the observance ceremony, local historians, dressed in 'period costume' will conduct narrated walking tours of historic downtown Tampa.

(This walking tour is a suggested activity for the Republican Convention).

Project Overview

Following the opening ceremonies, a first person account of the attack will be presented by Capt J.W. Pearson, Post Commander at Fort Brooke. A Southern Cross of Honor will be placed at the grave of James Gettis, who was a hero of the two day battle.
The event will feature a period color guard, period rifle squad, singing of “Dixie,” presentation ceremony for the “Southern Cross of Honor” to Captain Gettis-CS (a noted participant of the defense of Tampa resting in Oaklawn Cemetery and member of Hillsborough Lodge 25 F. & A.M.), and period music.

Historical Overview

On June 30, a Federal gunboat, the U.S.S. Sagamore, came into Tampa Bay. She turned her broadside on Tampa Town, and opened her ports. Commanding officer, Capt. A.J. Drake, U.S.N., dispatched a launch carrying 20 men and a lieutenant under a flag of truce. They demanded the surrender of Tampa Town and Fort Brooke.

Capt. J.W. Pearson, Post Commander at Fort Brooke refused, and later that day, the Sagamore unleashed her arsenal on the town. The cannons at Fort Brooke responded, and inexperienced soldiers defended Tampa from the attack.

The Sagamore ceased her firing at 6 p.m., and reportedly made repairs. Then at noon, the following day, resumed the attack.
We are fortunate to have Capt. Pearson's official report on the engagement. This first person account will be presented in first person at the event.

Tampa attorney Capt. James Gettis would play a key role in the Battle, directing one of the cannon crews.

Public Reaction

The event is designed to excite and enthuse the general population with an appreciation for the Veterans of so long ago fighting to protect and defend the Tampa Bay area during time of War.

Public Participation

This observance event is in need of sponsors, supporters, participants, re-enactors and period clad towns-folks and spectators.


There were thousands of men who served Florida and the Southern Confederacy during her existence from 1861-1865. This event is dedicated to them. Descendants of the men of the Osceola Rangers are encouraged to register with the Commission, and will be recognized at the event.

This project honors the history of the Tampa Bay area's contribution to Florida and her Southern Confederacy 150 years ago.

Event Sponsors

Augusta Jane Evans Wilson Chapter 2640, United Daughters of the Confederacy
Judah P. Benjamin Camp 2210, Sons of Confederate Veterans
Confederate Cantinieres Chapter 2405 , United Daughters of the Confederacy
(your name here)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

CSA Veteran Walking to Reunion......from Dallas to Macon

Click image to enlarge


Billy Price

By way of:

Wednesday, May 09, 2012


The Battle of Sharpsburg Camp #1582, Sons of Confederate Veterans will gather on Saturday, May 26th, 2012, 2:30 P.M. at St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, 30 South Martin Street, Clear Spring, MD 21722 to dedicate the grave of Godfrey Funkhouser. Godfrey was born in Shenandoah County, VA ca 1839 and enlisted in Company K of the 33rd Virginia Infantry on July 15th, 1861 in Winchester, VA. He served through out the Civil War, attaining the rank of Sergeant and being taken as a Prisoner of War twice. He spent the last year of the war as a prisoner at Fort Delaware, DE. After the war he settled in Clear Spring, MD where he married Miss Mary Jane Steele and had ten children. Godfrey died on January 6, 1890.

About the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

The Sons of Confederate Veterans is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendents of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political 501-C3 organization dedicated to ensuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved. Membership in the Sons of Confederate Veterans is open to all male descendants of any veteran who served honorably in the Confederate armed forces.
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