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Southern Heritage <br>News and Views: January 2014

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The State of the Confederacy

This week we witnessed another charade in a continuous deception as President Obama addressed the United States and world that all is well in America.

Unfortunately as many have come to learn, America is not well off, and in fact, is dying off as a world power and reserve currency, eventually shrinking from the facade of a country existing of fifty States. Those fifty States contain many Confederate States who claim a right to Sovereignty. Those States, our States, will eventually learn to re-grasp the mantle of our fathers who told us to just carry the torch of Liberty, Sovereignty and dignity.

As we look at the country we live in today we see a multitude of problems and issues that will take incredible pain and suffering to correct. A central government controlled by Marxist tendencies, in varying degrees since 1860, has allowed those people to let a small band of elite Oligarchs control the planet’s monetary policy, via world and central banks that are naturally owned by private bankers . Those banksters (that were backed by taxpayers) were easily in control of complete authority over monetary policy of which government succumbed to. The reason this has happened is that the people who lend money to government decided war was a necessary means to conduct their nefarious purposes included eradicating peoples. This is why the Southern Confederacy received a scorched earth policy from the United States and why the United States also eradicated the Native Tribes too numerous to mention in this address!

To spare our friends the reminders of past injustice, we wish to proceed to discuss the current state of America and its transformation from what once was a true Republic into a progressive Socialist nation and clearly heading in the direction of a battle between Marxism (Communism) and National Socialists (NAZIS).

The writing is on the hall our dear brothers and sisters.

When Germany invaded Soviet Russia that was a War between the National Socialists and the Communists and our country is not too far off! We have the McCain neocons and the progressive social Marxists in Washington and little in between!

There is no room for Confederacy because they cannot identify with it being so absorbed in the false history, the hurtful recollections and the needs of the people to move on and prosper. It was never the intention of the Confederacy to be more than a style of government wherein the people selected their fate and determination.

Now in cases of defense and mutual defense with the United States, we believe that we share a common interest; in fact we have many of them whereas we can cooperate in shipping lanes, agriculture and seaports etc.

Now without delving into the injustices brought about by Lincoln’s illegal invasion of the Southern Confederacy of States, we must look into what his victory has won.

He gave a nation to perpetual debt, codified in the 14 amendment but which also gave fairness under that law. The fairness part was proper, but it masked a more nefarious purpose than we understand today, steamrolling into 20 TRILLION in DEBT. (As a side bar, we have calculated that 22.34Tz is the tipping point when the entire US economy collapses and if the world has not divested from the dollar they will go down too.)

The 17th amendment allowed for the complete stripping of sovereignty from States by forcing those State legislatures to surrender the right to elect our Federal Representatives (Senators). By passing the 14 and 17th amendment, the States had surrendered all their tenth amendment rights.

So many good people tell us “whatever” or “get over it”, and that is fine until they begin to realize how these things had and continue to have an effect on their personal lives! The lives of people in the Southern Confederacy are made up of many people, some of who would not understand our message and purpose. That is entirely understandable given the confusion of the past.

The message is very simple indeed. It requires understanding some of the past and how those dots connect to the present. Once that equation is fulfilled, it is not difficult to project the path or curve and see the outcome.

The outcome for America is bleak.

It has been for a long time and we have tried to warn of this outcome more so than other Confederate groups.

Reconstruction of America is a non-stop process. It is time for it to regain some senses.

Following are a brief lesson on the three major periods after we lost the war in 1865.

1. The Southern reconstruction after the war was suspended. The South was shattered and battered many died.

2. The banking cartel inauguration of 1913. They called it the creature of Jekyll Island.

3. The Cultural Revolution that started in the 1960’s.

They have had the effect of imploding the people one mind at a time. The process is taking place in the Grammy’s, the Idol- or any number of shows that feed our children pure garbage and we sit back and take it! Maybe we are starting to think for once and realize maybe truth was buried in the old books.

Many Confederates died in the war, after the war- and on for one hundred and fifty years after the war. In fact they still die, every day. When we find one, meet one, visit with one, or mourn the passing of a dear friend, it helps mold us and harden us against the hate and racism that mainstream America seems to hold us in contempt of. We are a rare breed!

The Charge from General S.D. Lee is most debated among groups and forums. That charge is a measure of a Confederate man. The Confederates of old were willing to make a sacrifice, in some cases the ultimate sacrifice -but we are not held to that standard in this age. (Not yet). It means a love of Confederacy, an understanding how to promote the cause and the honor, and how to live your life without shame to admit to Confederacy!

Now while we are not powerful or able to control our own destiny in a resolution for a Confederacy of States, we can ask the almighty one for his eternal blessing!

Lord, may your divine mercy and spirit rain down upon our people like the dew fall and may you allow for his almighty blessing and the prayer of our friends into your holy dominion.

May the Lord God bless you all and God bless our Confederacy!

Deo Vindice!

Kevin Carroll
The Confederate Society of America

Friday, January 17, 2014

19 January Birthdate of General Robert Edward Lee a Legal Holiday in North Carolina

North Carolina in 1892 made the birthdate of Robert E. Lee a legal holiday in the State. Like Washington before him, he led Americans, including North Carolinians, in battle in their second War of Independence in defense of their homes, inalienable rights and liberty. He considered his State of Virginia as his country, and the South as his home.

Explaining his actions in a postwar letter to R.S. McCulloch Lee wrote:

”Every brave people who considered their rights attacked and their constitutional liberties invaded,” it ran, “would have done as we did. Our conduct was not caused by any insurrectional spirit, nor can it be termed a rebellion; for our construction of the Constitution under which we lived and acted was the same from its adoption, and for eighty years we had been taught and educated by the founders of the Republic, and their written declarations, which controlled our consciences and actions. The epithets that have been heaped upon us of “rebels” and “traitors” have no just meaning, nor are they believed in by those who understand the subject, even at the North…”

General Dwight Eisenhower said of him in 1960:

“General Robert E. Lee was, in my estimation, one of the supremely gifted men produced by our Nation. He believed unswervingly in the Constitutional validity of his cause….he was thoughtful yet demanding of his officers and men, forbearing with captured enemies but ingenious, unrelenting and personally courageous in battle, and never disheartened by a reverse or obstacle.

Through all his many trials, he remained selfless almost to a fault and unfailing in his belief in God. Taken altogether, he was noble as a leader and as a man, and unsullied as I read the pages of our history. From deep conviction I simply say this: a nation of men of Lee’s caliber would be unconquerable in spirit and soul.”

British Field Marshal Garnet Joseph Wolseley said of Lee:

“I believe he will be regarded not only as the most prominent figure of the Confederacy, but as the Great American of the nineteenth century, whose statue is well worthy to stand on an equal pedestal with that of Washington, and whose memory is equally worthy to be enshrined in the hearts of all his countrymen.” This estimate is based upon a criticism of his character as a man, a soldier, and a Christian citizen. As a thinker and man of intellectual powers little has been said of him, and yet, intellectual power, associated with moral purity, are the true spring of greatness.”

After Virginia and other Southern States had made Lee’s birthday a legal holiday:

“The anniversary of the birth of Robert Edward Lee was again observed throughout Virginia on January 19th, 1892. In many of the cities and towns there were military parades, and the banks and public offices in all were closed. The Confederate Veterans Corps of the city of New York, and the Confederate Army and Navy Association of Baltimore, Maryland, each commemorated the occasion by a banquet with reverential exercises. The day is now by statute, a legal holiday in the States of North Carolina and Georgia as well as Virginia, and the day was observed in Raleigh and Atlanta, and doubtless in other Southern cities…

Business in the Richmond city offices was at a standstill yesterday and matters at the Capitol yesterday were dull. Many wholesale houses closed their establishments at noon and the freight depots of the railroads were also closed after that hour. The scholars of the public schools had half holiday, and the banks were closed throughout the day. Although the intensely discomforting weather materially interfered with the proposed open air demonstration, it could not dampen the ardent regard in which the memory of the glorious leader is held.

In Richmond, Mayor Ellyson spoke:

"Ladies, Comrades, and Fellow-Citizens: We have met today under the auspices of Lee and Pickett Camps to do honor to the memory of one of Virginia's noble sons. Robert E. Lee is forever enshrined in the hearts of his countrymen, and as we contemplate his virtues and heroism we are made better and purer men, and I trust the time will never come when Virginians shall fail on this, his natal day, to recount the valor and patriotism of their greatest chieftain, whose noblest aspiration in life found its completest realization in the doing of his duty to his God, and his fellow man.

There is no danger, comrades, that the men who wore the grey will ever prove recreant to the principles that actuated them in time of war, but there is danger that our children may, and so we wish on these recurring anniversaries to tell of the chivalrous deeds of such leaders as Lee, Jackson, Stuart and Pickett, and to teach coming generations that the soldiers of the Southern Confederacy were not rebels, but were Americans who loved liberty as something dearer than life itself."

Bernhard Thuersam, Chairman
North Carolina War Between the States Sesquicentennial Commission

Thursday, January 16, 2014

WHAT THE CITADEL meant to me...

Imagine being an American, but born in a foreign land. Imagine being raised in that foreign land. You know about America, you hear about it. You see it on TV, you read about it, but during your youth you only get there for very brief visits.

Well, for me, replace America with the South.

You see, my family on my mom's side was from North Carolina, near Charlotte. My kin had been there since around the 1740's. My heroes as a child were R. E. Lee, and Stonewall. My nanna, who had been raised by her grandfather, a veteran of Lee's Army had been probably the second most important person in my life. And she told me stories of home.

Even though I rarely got home, I knew Andy Griffith and Billy Graham were from North Carolina, and I was proud of them. When Billy Graham came to New York, and did a service at a filled Shea stadium in the late 1960's I watched him on a small black and white with my nanna. And I was saved. Imagine a Catholic boy being saved...but I was. I am still Catholic, but I was saved by the words of Billy Graham and the Holy Spirit of that day.

Anyway, I read about the war. That's all I read. When the teachers would assign us books, In Cold Blood, 1984, Brave New World, and all the rest...I never read them. (Only one exception, Mutiny on the Bounty). I read Bruce Catton, and Douglas Southall Freeman and many others...all of which I still have about the great struggle of the second revolution, and a people who only wanted the Constitution they had sworn to.. The very first book I read cover to cover when just a small lad was a book titled Blue and Gray ...a present from my nanna. In that book I met General Lee...and adopted him as my father role model...mine had passed just a year or so before when I was 8.

So for an entire youth, surrounded by Yankees, my fantasy childhood was in the South. Years later, in my 40's, my best friend from New York asked me: "Mark, ever since I met you, whenever something was happening we would all go in one direction, and you would go in another... why is that?" I could only answer ... I see life very different.

Anyway, when I went to an orphanage in Pa, Milton Hershey School, and lived on a dairy farm it was like moving closer South. I was only about fifty miles from the Mason - Dixon Line. And while the Pennsylvania Dutch of the Cumberland Valley are very different from Southerners, still they are closer to the South, than people on Long Island. Their appreciation for the land and for God's creation through the land is closer to that of a Southerner. The memories in Pa are thick with a carillon calling fifteen hundred orphan boys, kindergarten to high school to church. We walked along lanes surrounded by the beauty of farmland, mostly dairy cattle, but with orchards and cornfields intermixed.

God provided the opportunity to attend THE CITADEL. No one there knew that this kid from NY was in Charleston because of his southern roots. I don't even think John Andrews knew it. But, it's why I went. Through my childhood I had read about West Point, and Lee, and Jackson and so many other heroes. In my mind's eye I had seen cadet life over and over. And when I attended THE CITADEL it reminded me so much of what I had read. It was like being time warped back...from time to time walking the campus, ignoring the few cars to see a place long ago.

And there was the Corps! And my classmates. It was a dream come true. The pride in the South, Dixie and the Confederate battle flag filing the stadium in crimson. The flags surrounding the stadium for blocks. THE CITADEL experience was this kid's dream come true. I tried to tell administrators of THE CITADEL years later how important their southern heritage was to the school, how important the history of the South is to the quilt that is America. But, they could not stand the pressure against the South. They were not alone.

Now this Yankee boy owns a small ranch in East Texas. And the name of that ranch is Rebel Mountain. I sit here listening to Andy Griffith sing hymns and feel blessed for a life I have lived. It's been like living a Disney movie...a life few would imagine or believe could happen to a nobody kid. My life is the deepest, richest testament I know to God. It could not have happened except for God. I could not have walked the trail, did not have the means, neither the money nor the brains. But, He gave me the eyes to see great things, and the heart to know great people. And many of those great people were classmates at THE CITADEL. My classmates set the standard for my life of what a man should be.

Later in life I would be disappointed by southern men. My standard was too high. I expected Southern men to be like Lee, Jackson, and cadets of THE CITADEL. That was wrong, unfair I guess. But imagine a life where you expect men to be of the quality of the Corps... high expectations...but oh if man could be like that today. We were once, Americans were once... the home of the free and the brave. Alas, no more.

I served in Germany for three years, and when I came back to the states I literally did get down on my knees and kiss the ground...happy to be back in America. I missed it. Well it was that feeling for the South that THE CITADEL brought to me when life was starting.

God bless the Corps...

Mark Vogl



The Sons of Confederate Veterans and the Nathan Bedford Forrest Camp #3 of Chattanooga want to remind everyone that on February 7-8, the Stephen Dill Lee Institute will take place at the Hilton Double Tree Hotel in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Our outstanding speaker roster includes--

David Aiken Monsters of Virtuous Pretensions
Marshall DeRosa Living in the Ruins: The American Civil War and the Subverson of Christian Civilization
Donald Livingston Total War and the Creation of American Nationalism
James Russell My Family's Personal History and the Devastation of our South Carolina Plantation
Kirkpatrick Sale Violating the Lieber Code: The March From the Sea
Muriel Joslyn The Effect of Total War on Prison Policies
Douglas Bostick Violation of the Law of Nations in the Siege of Charleston

Costs for the conference are $150 per person. Members of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and families will be charged $125 per person. Your registration fee includes breakfast, lunch and Banquet on Saturday. Please visit our website at for registration and hotel information. Also, registrations can be secured by calling Ms Cindy White at SCV Headquarters in Columbia, Tennessee (1-800-MY DIXIE).

Hotel reservations are $109/night and include parking. reservations can be obtained by contacting reservations at the Downtown Hilton Double Tree Hotel (407 Chestnut Street) at 1-423-756 5150.

The Stephen Dill Lee Institute also has a limited number of scholarships for deserving students and teachers.

Anyone desiring information should contact Brag Bowling at 804-389-3620.

Friday, January 03, 2014

Who Are the Revisionists?

Valerie Protopapas

Many people involved in historical study these days use the word “revisionist” usually in reference to—and as criticism of—some comment or report that doesn’t hold to the accepted orthodoxy. Yet, the word “revision” is defined as “changing a decision … in order to correct or make it more realistic” and further, “amending a text … to update, improve or adapt it.” Obviously, the word does not define a process intended to produce error or misinformation. Indeed, human knowledge is constantly being “revised” as we learn more and more about the world around us. At one point in time, it was believed (and so pontificated) that the atom was the smallest particle of matter. Obviously, that has since been “revised” and no one complains because the original statement was in error. It was not intentionally erroneous but rather reflected the information available at the time.

However, especially with regard to history, “revision” has come to mean—as noted—the deliberate rejection of a settled viewpoint presented and accepted as the final determination of the matter under consideration. Ergo, “revision,” since it refuses to accept the status quo means patent and intentional falsehood. But the matter becomes even more complicated when those presenting what today’s scholars and historians call “revisionist history” declare that they are correcting for the record the original “revisionist history” which itself rejected that which had previously been understood as a correct interpretation of the facts from which scholars could then opine on the meaning of the history involved.

Let us take, for example, the subject of Abraham Lincoln. Even the most fervid of Lincoln’s acolytes admit that the man’s “history” is surrounded by, if not entirely composed of, legend. Even so, when efforts are made to replace legend with known fact, and not speculation, those efforts are dismissed as “revisionist” in nature and the more those facts depart from the legend, the more adamant and hostile “Lincoln scholars” become not only towards the facts but towards those who present and disseminate them. In the end, no effort is made to actually refute this so-called “revisionist history.” It is simply censored from the main stream of academia and the public square and its presenters dismissed as cranks and, worse, bigots. Motives become more important than truth while insults and threats replace rational debate. That which cannot be countered must be hidden and its proponents silenced according to the present orthodoxy.

Now, in the not-too-distant past, this strategy could not have been utilized. Scholars would not be silenced, neither would they permit such actions against others of their kind. They knew that if they allowed censorship, there would be no way they could insure that they themselves would not be censored should the time come that they supported an unpopular point of view. Intellectual honesty and rational decency kept the lines of communication open for even the most unpopular positions as long as that those presenting such provided recognized academic sources for support. In much the same way, the United States protected unpopular speech through the First Amendment of the Constitution which declared that Congress (that is, the federal government) could make no laws limiting that freedom. As a result, there was at least in the early history of the country, a wide range of opinions on many subjects, history being but one. Time alone was considered the means by which gold would be separated from dross.

But, little by little, the right of free speech—even including non-political speech—began to be subject to limitations. These limitations happened most often during war. War is a means by which governments enhance their power while at the same time curbing the power of those who disagree with them. Everyone wants to help their nation—which is understood as represented by the government—in time of war. Criticism of the government at such times is considered “unpatriotic” and giving aid and comfort to the enemy. As a result, during war many ordinary liberties effectively disappear. Going back to Lincoln, we see this happen not only in the invaded South, but in the North as well. By the time the so-called “Civil War” had ended, the American Constitution had suffered irreparable damage which only increased in the years that followed. And the efforts to keep this fact hidden from the ordinary American represents if not the beginning then at least the institutionalization of “revisionist history.” It is this “history” that today’s “revisionist historians” are trying to overcome by presenting facts and well-founded opinions based upon the true meaning of the concept of “revision” as well as the facts and truths of history.

But there is one more facet in the current situation, something that has reset the mechanism of the imposition of the establishment version of history—past and present—making it almost impossible to counter even the most egregious and obvious falsehoods. Whereas Lincoln had his war and all of the opportunities it provided for him to silence debate and dissent, today we have a strategy which came from a contemporary of Lincoln, a man named Karl Marx. Marx was another statist who worshipped at the altar of big government and the god of the State. He knew that it was not always possible to use armed might to set the limits on speech in a society, so he created another way to accomplish the same end, a strategy called “political correctness.” Political correctness utilizes the ordinary individual’s good manners and conscience as a means to stifle debate and dissent. It singles out groups who may (or may not) have been ill-used in the past and makes of them, or rather of the claim of discrimination against them, a sort of shibboleth. Properly done, the mere mention of that claim will silence all but the most courageous. Today we see that in what is called “the race card.” Anyone who does not accept the establishment version of a particular part of the nation’s history or heritage is immediately labeled “racist,” a term created by a follower of Marx, Leon Trotsky. So powerful has political correctness become in this country and in the West, that there is virtually no more debate. One side is permitted to present its own position—frequently in the face of uncontestable fact—while any opposition is immediately silenced by the claim that merely to hold that position, never mind stating it, is by its very nature, “racist.” It is no wonder that “revisionist history” as defined today by the descendants of the original revisionists finds itself condemned out of hand no matter how strong the proofs of its veracity.

We as a people must be strong enough to reject this strategy of censorship and deceit. If we continue to reject the facts of history to avoid being called names, soon the facts of history will no longer matter; indeed, soon the facts of history will be erased and replaced by what is “politically correct.” In his nightmarish novel, 1984, the motto of George Orwell’s Big Brother makes clear what is at stake:
“Those who control the past, control the future.
Those who control the present, control the past.”
If we do not resist the present crusade to destroy history and replace it with the “acceptable orthodoxy,” if we do not become whenever and wherever possible, “revisionist historians,” eventually we will find ourselves living in an Orwellian world in which heroes will be made into monsters, and monsters into heroes.
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